Warframe steel path circuit builds. 115K DPS Steel Path Killer Lightning Rod.

Warframe steel path circuit builds. Top Builds Tier List Player Sync New Build.

Warframe steel path circuit builds So WHY would I want the BASE Hek with a CRAP build showing up in STEEL PATH? Reply reply More replies. Votes 28. Weapons tend to lean onto crit or status depending on the setup (you can view the mod screen to see what it emphesis). 2; don't understand the issue at hand. 6 Trinity goto Steel Path - 5 Forma Trinity Prime build by AKO - Updated for Warframe 32. 7. Enjoy!---- Excalibur Umbra is one of the most popular frames in Warframe. Examples: Nyx: even a very simple 0-forma build is viable in SP Circuit. "heres this new content, a bunch of the builds you were running dont work in it, please go back and add builds which dont rely on the conditionals we took away to all this gear, thanks"- the management. Well, here he My build is basically identical to Brozime's Pillage Mesa build with I think the only differences being I don't have a maxed energize (which isn't needed at all, I do more than fine with a rank 1) and I don't have arcane velocity so I have anemic agility on her regulators. Weapons any and all would be helpful, honestly mo Coolkid369's channel: https://www. For warframe, they have a specific goal in mind. 2 Rhino Prime | Steel Path Build - 5 Forma Rhino Prime build by Ladden - Updated for Warframe 30. 0:00 Intro0:17 Archon Shards Installed(S That Garuda Reworkturned out to be a real something. Some people jump in and absolutely annihilate enemies with a few shots. Petroklos-ZDM Steel path Garuda Prime build! If you have Primed sure footed swap that out for sure footed and power drift and use blood forge instead. 0. Obviously for specific missions there are better builds than this, but it requires more forma and switching the faction mods before missions. Votes 812. All 3 Umbral mods. Wrath Of Ukko Kullervo build (30% evasion, massive CC and control). You don't build a warframe to be good on its own, and then choose a weapon that you like to go When you think "eww [] got no good armor stats and range with warcry is shit" haha my Nyx is now slow nova and valkyr in one and haves 100% armor/shield strip on her 2 (the 100% cap is at 125% power strenght). Take to time to research the person that made the build. if your builds can handle regular steel path, they will handle steel path circuit as well. Either you make it so easy that with default builds most of the weapons can do it in SP or you let it be balanced with the fully built weapons in mind which is better in the long run imo. The ridiculo Basically any scaling build should work in Steel Path, with an emphasis on armor strip or ignoring armor. The Galaxy NeedUs. and his ranges especially are abysmally low compared to current Warframe ability ranges. 2CD. I tend to use Knightmareframe for I was playing the circuit steel path with the new hydroid rework and go to like stage 7 with him in 2 hours then lost on a defense mission and go nothing. Wisp's energy economy is far better than Oberons as well. Garuda Zarr Before the reduction or waves per defense stage in Steel Path Circuit Defense (from 5 to 3 +increased the numbers of enemies per wave) i was able to do SOLO 2nd or 3rd of defense in the run depending on the frame. 5; FormaLong; Guide. this build has been aimed to stay there hour or longer Build Usage. My steel path circuit is saying could not claim pending rewards please try again later n it been like that for a year now Nidus Steel Path - 3 Forma Nidus Prime build by reddasch - Updated for Warframe 30. You can also cheese defense solo with Limbo using the classic bubble-and-stasis technique, though depending on your gear, picking off enemies will get tedious. Put enough strength to armor strip in one cast of your 2, put some range/duration/efficiency, spam 3 for crowd control Just curious about which frames are your top picks for SP Circuit farms. High DMG+10. 5; Forma Steel Path Icy A warframe guide on the circuit and what the most important mechanics are throughout the grind#warframe #warframegame #warframegameplay #thecircuit #grind #t Volt Prime | NUKE ALL OF THE STEEL PATH | Steel Path | BuildYea this Volt build has gotta be one of the most satisfying things I have ever made. The Aura forma is here for situational things like equipped [Corrosive Projection]. 115K DPS Steel Path Killer Lightning Rod. Roguelikes as videogames are based in their similarity to rogue. . However, the current additive armor strip system enables you to build up to 200% ability In this Warframe Beginners Guide, I will show you 5 Builds that are CHEAP and EASY to put together but still great for Steel Path and Endgame. 1. 10. Gyre guide by caylin. Nezha: good protection and CCing. com/kyaiiI have a discord! Join here: https://discord. If you are relying on standard loadouts you simply don't have enough builds available to be prepared for steel path circuit. Votes 437. you can replace arcane energize because equilibrium will give more than enough energy. Molt Augmented gets you to 298% Steel path mirage - 3 Forma Mirage Prime build by kacper24 - Updated for Warframe 29. the general design emphasis includes 2 very important things. But then SP Circuit, when i tried it out for fun once before planning to go back on hiatus, made me realize how few of my builds could stand up to Steel path and that 81K DPS | STEEL PATH ️ - 5 Forma Paracesis build by QUBITSKIE - Updated for Warframe 29. I go over the general idea of the ga Permaflight DPS | Steel Path/Arbitration Viable - 3 Forma Titania Prime build by amethyst - Updated for Warframe 28. Steel Path Circuit build. Votes 491. Social. 9999 enemies in combination with Decrees. by Errorhorse — last updated . so I could finish Steel Path i Designed for Steel Path Circuit but works on almost any map or game mode. The RNG of Duviri Circuit becomes worse, the smaller the number of forma'ed weapons you have. Account. You can also just do 1 round sessions and hope for exterminate or void flood rounds. Gara Prime guide by ninjase. Trinity goto Steel Path. On another side, overall I'm sometimes a bit confused by the "balancing" people seem to feel in the circuit. 5 Reddit community and fansite for the free-to-play third-person co-op action shooter, Warframe. Kuva BIG HURT F43 Ogris INTRODUCTION. The essential parts of this build are the Archon Vitality, and of Edit: though. . This is why some people like it and some don't. Hall of Malevolence. Being my first prime frame, I thought I wo Steel Path - 3 Forma Nova Prime build by adam308 - Updated for Warframe 33. Intrepid Stand's repeated overguard-gate refreshing is its true strength in very high levels. The trouble is that a lot of them are either just-for-fun builds (eg: "what if I stack unreasonable amounts of sprint speed/power strength on Titania and subsume Molt") or massively outdated builds (eg: melee builds from when heavy attacks weren't a thing and slapping Condition Overload on top of Primed Pressure Point was basically mandatory on Ash - Solo Steel Path Void Cascade - 3 Forma Ash Prime build by ChrisW - Updated for Warframe 37. I tried him with the 40% strength build, but the In this warframe video we show some tips on how to make steel path circuits easier even for those who cant kill steel path enemiesDrop any stuff you found in Warframe already emphasizes hoarding every piece of equipment, in NORMAL Circuit. Home Top Builds Tier List Player Sync ITEM. And for Vauban, just a regular, high-range build. Saryn is saryn, however, she has a ramp up time. I played the circuit the entire first day of Warframe's The Duviri Paradox release so here is everything I have learned. Home Top Builds Tier List Player Sync New ITEM. Now - literally unplayable past 1st encounter of defense even with full squad. Gyre Steel Path - 6 Forma Gyre build by jdude - Updated for Warframe 34. Steel Path has a 60 Second Cool Down on some Gear Items So it would be a good idea to use that Slot for Some Effeciency. by adam308 — last updated . 2. In this Warframe Build Guide, we'll talk about Valkyr and how to mod her. Nidus Prime guide by ninjase. General Use Steel Path/Endurance. ly/3DItBri[Watch me on Okay let's see. Volt Prime guide by In Today's Video, Minty WIll Show You A Mirage Build, Currently Available To All Players Via Prime Resurgence, Which Does Insane Amounts of Damage Which Can Lucky for the playrate of this build it's a bit difficult to put togetherNote Site!https://www. Casual Tank Steel Path. I DON'T like it in Steel Path. patreon. This is what I'm using in duviri steel path circuits. But for any sort of generic Steel Path stuff, even Circulus, you'll hit funny numbers real easy. Doesn't need weapons, but turns any weapon into a slash proc machine with 's 4, Seeking . PLAYLOOP All you need with [Revenant Prime] is to make sure that your 2nd ability is always active, and you basically cannot die. either your builds are Hello all, I loaded into the circuit earlier with my Baruuk Prime - A pretty standard Reactive Storm build. Octavia Prime guide by K-Pax. Tempest Barrage Nuke + Loot General Use Steel Path (Casual or Endurance) Hydroid Prime guide by ninjase. 3 HYDROID PRIME steel path - 3 Forma Hydroid Prime build by mohamed2014155 - Updated for Warframe 30. He's invulnerable during Landslide, and you can spam it. 9999 enemies with the help of Decrees, but some aiming skills are required to headshot. Grineer in Steel Path. It can be accessed after completing The Duviri Paradox quest. ARCHON SHARDS Red - Ability Strength Yellow - Ability casting speed Hydroid Prime: Steel Path - 1 Forma Hydroid Prime build by guild_master - Updated for Warframe 34. Top Builds Tier List Player Sync New Build. It may not be the optimal amp for specific tasks but not having to worry about switching and just having it as an all rounder works great for me, 10/10 can recommend. This is a endgame build, optimal for usage in long Steel Path endurance runs. With the addition of Archon Shards, we can place 1 Tau Forged Crimson shard for 15% ability strength, getting us to the perfect 200% ability strength needed for Gaze to I got carried in steel path circuit to get my first couple of adapters. gg/wKHTXx4swRGara has such a low play rate compared to her Octavia DPS (Steel Path Mode) - 4 Forma Octavia Prime build by Bulllets - Updated for Warframe 32. It doesnt matter if you get 10% (rank10) bc it has to stack 9 time either way. This build is very good at solo Steel Path Void Cascade. check out ninjase’s build over at overframe. This build can oblitarate any steel path mission, it works better on defenses and place holding missions, but can do everything. Archon Shards: 2+ blue shards for energy max; 3 other shards are your choice, parkour I LOVE the steel path circuit. Amprex guide by vityus. Hildryn Prime guide by Aspire7908. Amprex: General Use. Votes 668. The smaller your pool of Steel Path (SP) ready weapons is, the more unfun RNG becomes. WARFRAME ★★★★★ 16 (General Use/Circuit Endurance) Frost Prime guide by ninjase. WARFRAME ×. The default builds are simply not good enough to play the steel path modes, with the only solution being to Hello, this is my Steel Path viable . mathematically optimized explosive slash machine gun. en. This build is meant for staying alive and CC since heat is such an OP element. Its a good time to research good builds and learn the ins and out. Note this should be used with enough Strength archon shards to allow you to use Molt Augmented to scale up over 328% Strength; that's the threshold you need to hit when combined with [Corrosive Projection] to bring enemy armor down to 0. Brozime. General Use/Nuke/Energy Build | Steel Path. INTRODUCTION. 6. Also, I have access to most arcanes/galvanized mods/augments/etc so none of that is a problem. Stalker: fun to play and can contribute. Votes 3. Did Hildryn, Xaku, and some Frost. Steel Charge, Preparation, Umbral Vitality, Umbral Intensify, Primed Flow, Primed Continuity, Stretch, Razorwing Blitz, Streamline, Transient Fortitude. Solo grind build for steel essences. Steel Path BUILD - 6 Forma Laetum build by Jesse_the_damned - Updated for Warframe 34. Can swap out for something else. Find the best Warframe at Overframe with our Warframe tier list! Players can view and vote to rank the best Warframe! Top Builds Tier List Player Sync New Build Most of my own criticisms of the circuit have come from a place of. The game is currently in open beta on PC, PlayStation 4|5, Xbox One/Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and iOS! Members Online • This is a steel path build, Guardian and adaptation is to amplify DR from QT for possible hairy moment like silence casted Nezha is my main tank frame. 98% damage reduction, 100% armor strip, Tons of healing and mostly infinite energy. Slash builds scale better to higher levels compared to a You pretty much just do one round of normal circuit over and over until you get a good enough weapon or frame to do steel path with, then you go as far as you can. This usually puts him in the position of either max range, minimum range Steel Path Ember w/ Spellbind - 5 Forma Ember Prime build by ndhwar - Updated for Warframe 31. 5; Forma; Short; Guide Reddit community and fansite for the free-to-play third-person co-op action shooter, Warframe. But when facing such a challenge it’s important to come prepared, and that’s what I’ll be going over in this Steel Path guide. I was wondering what build you guys would suggest for Nezha in Steel Path? I replaced his first ability with Roar, so ne I've taken this build solo to around lvl 6k vs. ARCHWING COMPANION CRAFTING COMPONENT Necramech RELIC WARFRAME WEAPON . Throwing in focus abilities for even more s Steel Path Slow Nova - 6 Forma Nova Prime build by juan-de_dios - Updated for Warframe 29. The Circuit is an endless game mode that takes the player through the Undercroft of Duviri. [Rolling Guard] acts as your panic button, but is definitely not required. Home Top Sign in. Hey, so I was thinking about finally starting to do some Steel-Path missions just for fun- but it turns out my "Solo Steel-Path" Mesa Prime can't handle these type of enemies yet. You don't need the maxed Arcanes (mine are R1 and R2). 3 0. Bespoke Volt: Eidolons, Steel Path, Enemies Level 1000+, Designed For You. (https: Rubble Heap and Path of Statues. This Steel Path build is focused around switching forms to take advantage of the survivability/crowd control of night form and [] nuking of day form. I want to use him in Steel Path as well to just tank my way through it. Votes 190. Pop Roar to maintain a damage buff for you and your teammates. only coming on when a new big update/warframe was introduced. Votes 702. Same goes for Intrinsics since this is Warframe endgame, I suggest you have max intrinsics before you go in. You can just fly around throwing viral-slash knives at everything in your field of view, well into Steel Path Circuit. not really , I could just use random melee from circuit and whatever warframe to do steel path circuit because there are a lot of decree to help that. Its just a "fun" and different sort of mode, that we may see revisited or partially emulated, but as an educated guess, and based on what Whispers and 1999 appear to be, as well as smaller updates since, traditional selection I don't build for universal application. Gara Prime guide by HairlessPersian. I play him when i do sorties, index etc as he reminds me of a better Rhino. This build is helpless for most kind of Disruptions, Archon hunting, Assassination, or Capture mission. People might actually bother to mod Saryn for high strength stats, nuke Volt becomes more relevant due to higher spawn rates, Corpus tankiness, but the same amount of damage from enemies which makes Capacitance stronger, Mesa needs a Corrosive Nidus Ultimate Steel Path build - 5 Forma Nidus Prime build by DragonKingPepe - Updated for Warframe 32. But beyond that, there's also the fact that Drifter's combat is obviously not balanced at all for Steel Path. Mirage Prime guide by Cuajoneta. Find the Warframe community's best Primary Weapon builds! Top Builds Tier List Player Sync New Build. Path of Statues gives you petrified enemies for rubble. As I recently subsumed [] and Nourish has been dropped into my lap, I've begun to make more builds to benefit from Nourish to not rely so heavily on Arcane Energize (because I enjoy diversifying my builds, not just slapping Molt Augmented and Arcane Energize on every single build). While Armor is indeed a problem on The Steel Path. How to play with this : Pull : Use it to control / place ennemis. The BEST way to use the Acceltra / Steel Path Shredder. by AKO — last Steel Path - 6 Forma Frost Prime build by dark80 - Updated for Warframe 31. I know it isn't a Steel Path - 7 Forma Frost Prime build by marvi - Updated for Warframe 29. Meta Builds aren't required: Look up Steel Path builds and you will see vids and guides like, "You can kill everything in 1 hit with this 47 forma Uber Weapon with Primed Awesome on Umbral Frame with this specific helminth combo!" And WARFRAME ★★★★★★ KULLERVO STEEL PATH BUILD MELEE CRIT. -High power strength. Amprex SAVAGE OCTAVIA | Steel Path + Circuit Build-----What's good folks?!I'm here with a look at an updated build for Octavia. Easymode Steel Path - Infinite Energy - Armor Strip - Guaranteed Red Crits. 2 Steel path - 6 Forma Fulmin Prime build by diego98 - Updated for Warframe 33. [Rolling Guard] is optional due to Eximus abilities eg 1. arcane bodyguard for kavat . Kullervo guide by bakebanana. So I am lazy as crap and wanted a "Stronk" Xaku that would walk through circuit farming to a decent level. All my frames already have s playstyle tacked onto them. Rhino Prime. 4; FormaShort; Guide. 5; Forma And in Warframe Steel Path is there to make us the best Tenno we can be. WARFRAME ★★★★★★ Endgame Build. Volt Prime guide by ninjase. Eidolon shielding/Void Strike user. Steel Path. Steel Path Circuit Titania | Level 1000+ | Full Armor Strip. com/signup?referrerId=516376221a4d80372c000 Steel path has a gear expectation that puts circuit are the far end of game progression. 7; FormaLong; Guide. I have a status build on her regulators. Often Steel Path is hard, not because of Warframe or weapon choices, but modding knowledge, dealing with enemy weaknesses, mission type requirements, and being able to plan your builds accordingly. in terms of Steel Path, Circuit is literally easy mode because of the decrees. A heavy attack does maybe 5% of an enemy's health bar, which makes this mode a tedious slog, not a challenge. This build gives you around 20,000 HP on Merulina, a crazy amount of damage reduction, and incredible damage scaling with Aqua Blades. In this video, I will show 2 Excalibur Umbra Steel Path builds, casual and budget friendly bui Steel Path Circuit is literally unplayable The randomized loadouts makes the steel path version of the duviri circuit almost unplayable. Do you play the game for 200 hours, have got a meta weapon due to being taxi twinked by a friend, a copied build from your favorite youtuber and think you are the tenno that is spoken about in legends, because you can handle steel path and feel buying weapon and Warframe slots is a waste of plat? -> avoid Duviri Circuit till you have a couple Plugging in the two builds to Warframe builder agrees with you, of course, that Vital Sense leads to more damage, so clearly Warframe's damage formula is doing something that deviates from what the mod descriptions make it sound like it does. Hijack | First Clear | Solo Steel Path | Mar 30, 2023 | 32. Votes 10. I was doing Steel Path (130-150) before I jumped into the Circuit (Steel Path) and I was doing easily 30-60k damage per hit. (0 IQ STEEL PATH PUNISHER, GOLDEN STUPIDITY EDITION) Fulmin Prime guide by ThroneTech. People attempt at Overall circuit balance is tricky because of the RNG. I just finished an hour and 11 minute run where we finished on level 2500 enemies. The Support my Patreon here!https://www. Hotfix 33. I pity TC. Night mode allows you to crowd control entire maps by putting them to sleep with Rest, allowing you to kill them at your leisure to store damage as well as restore shields with Mend for shield gating. The game is currently in open beta on PC, PlayStation 4|5, Xbox One/Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and iOS! Honestly, I didn't change my normal Saryn build in Steel path, and Gloom really makes it a cakewalk. 5; Forma #warframe #warframegameplay #tennocreate #warframeguideToday i will be covering Saryn and Saryn prime. 9. For those who don't know why Heat is OP, it is because heat strips up to 50% of enemy armor, causes Damage Over Time, and also Crowd Controls enemies. I would say Valkyr but only if her stat stick is in the pick if it isn't a pick then no, been there and tried it the other week, I can go for hours in solo Steel Path survival but the circuit was a struggle. Gyre with cathode current is basically electric ember, however, her abilities dont scale nearly as high so you need to armor strip. Nidus Prime guide by Greetings! My name is Kushemon, and I would like to guide you through this [] build. Be sure to activate Eclipse before jumping on Merulina (you can't activate it while on Merulina). natural talent can be replace to stretch. It's a hybrid Balefire + Full Pillage Strip build. As long as you choose a frame that can protect the Defense target, you can easily reach the level cap even with I put up a guide in the Circuit Feedback section of the Warframe website but I decided to make a slightly modified guide here detailing how to get consistent results in the Steel Path Circuit. Does anyone have a reliable website, or youtuber that explains builds for any/each warframe and weapons? My main concerns are Saryn, and Volt/Nidus frames. You will be living in Razorwing form (your 4th skill) [Razorwing Blitz] augments that skill so that when you use any of your other skills it increases your fire rate and flight speed up to WARFRAME ★★★★★★ "Damage Build" [shared with "Gotta Go Fast", "Eidolon Hunter"] Volt Prime guide by qbaker. com/signup?refe [WARFRAME] NYX SIX BUILDS | Steel Path + Circuit | MILLIONS OF DAMAGE!-----What's good folks?!I'm here with a look at an updated s Steel Path Rhino - 2 Forma Rhino Prime build by Errorhorse - Updated for Warframe 29. The only way I'm playing Mirage going forwardNote Site!https://www. So i thought id post here and ask what you use in steel path that deals massive damage, I'm aware it's alot of late game gear but it all boils down to helminth terrify and an amp with good base damage. Easy Steel Path Circuit Build. com/circuit-operator-amp/0:00 Teshin's Cav #warframe #warframegameplay #tennocreate #warframeguideNekros/Nekros Prime is one of the most underrated Warframes in the game!With todays build Nekros can s Non-crit Raw Damage Viral Heat build enough to kill pretty much all content very quickly and even scales in steel path without armor strip well past level 1000 (or even more if using Xata's Whisper), thanks to the crazy multiplier from Devouring Attrition. I think mine, surprisingly, would be Baruuk Prime. warframe. Gloom ember with archon vitality WRECKS starchart steel path, she is designed to wipe the map fast. Thanks to the fairly recent addition of Archon mods and shards, [] has benefited immensely, and became even more prevalent in SP (Steel Path). (One-shot Steel Path) by ninjase — last updated . Eidolon DPS. This build is meant for HIGH level Steel Path missions, with this build you have plenty of survivability with your Hall of Mirrors, Eclipse, [Rolling Guard], [Umbral Vitality], and [Brief Respite] for Shield Gating (Which to do effectively, you need a Decaying Dragon Key). Volt Prime guide by Keltrick. How-to/general gameplay loop: Bring a good weapon for hitting Tornadoes - primary or secondary preferably, but melee or [WARFRAME] EASY GUIDE TO SOLO STEEL PATH LEVEL 9999 | Builds & Guide!-----What's good folks?!I'm here with an easy guide to get to Reddit community and fansite for the free-to-play third-person co-op action shooter, Warframe. Screen shot of that run with 75k+ spore damage Honestly I'm thinking of just dropping Transient Fortitude for Muzzle Tanky Mesa (Duviri Steel path circuit) - 3 Forma Mesa Prime build by Blade_of_the_Exile - Updated for Warframe 34. Handspring is must have because Ancients etc would be instant dead if they knocks you. We are going ov Excalibur Umbra: skill 2 and 4 when it works in the circuit. 2 years ago. I play the game mostly Solo, including SP Circuit, I have not had WARFRAME WEAPON PRIMARY Acceltra Prime guide by K_Builds. and has no problem cutting through steel path with her dex pixia with the right build. 1 (2020-07-08). 2; Forma; Medium; Guide This is a pretty simple build for generating infinite energy for your entire squad, protecting defense objectives, and being generally invulnerable. Focused on high damage sustainability for steel path and dishing out high damage for steel path bosses and mobs (or any content you see fit). com/en/circuit-operator-amp/(日本語) https://jwflab. com/c/CoolKid369[Support me on Patreon]http://bit. 175+ KPM easy with this setup. This build is un-killable late game and best with AOE weapons like that ( [ Kuva Zarr ] , Bramma, Envoy etc) try it out and im sure you will prefer it to the classic strength build that everyone builds for!! I definitely don't think the Steel Path Circuit is intended to be the future of Warframe or anything like it, at all. first, a rejection of long term progression systems in favor of an emphasis on skill based improvement, and second a high degree of random chance forcing the player to adapt to changing situations, good luck or bad luck. 6 million sustained dps, Hello, been trying to find good builds for steel path, or any that can really be explained. gl/WlV4HuNote:The base built damage is very strong, but when you play Circuit, depending on Decree you chose, it can give Zephyr Prime | STEEL PATH IS A JOKE WITH ZEPHYR | Steel Path | BuildYup Steel Path is actually a joke with Zephyr. This Ivara build can do level cap runs without using other weapons in the Steel Path Circuit. Once the wave starts, In this build, we don't need the extra 9% strength from & would much rather have the efficiency gained for that. Mod your melee well and you can hit millions and millions of damage and 1 shot SP enemies. Nova Prime. Warframe 1999: The Haven't made an Octavia video in a long time! But this build has been great and very min-maxxed into huge range and the exact amount of strength needed to fu VOLT STEEL PATH - 3 Forma Volt Prime build by n8tears - Updated for Warframe 29. Acceltra Prime guide by wolfe_81. Kullervo guide by Hardcore Endgame Gara | Infinite Scaling | Steel Path | Arbitrations - 3 Forma Gara Prime build by apocryphate - Updated for Warframe 30. 6; FormaMedium; Guide. Build: 4 formas, Arcane velocity + arcane energize. The build the game provide in Steel Path Circuit works. Wisp I definitely want to make a build that I can go into higher Steel Path in though. Umbral DEFENSE Frost (Hardcore Globe) Frost Prime guide by noxazerrok. Move over Bramma. It was introduced in Update 28. WARFRAME (General Use/Circuit Endurance) Frost Prime guide by ninjase. Reasons for mod selection where they are the same as Taurael's build is the same as their reasons, 2 umbral mods for 110 more hp and enough power strength for max slow from molecular prime The Steel Path is a difficulty modifier for the Origin System hosted by Teshin, testing the Tenno's perseverance against significantly more durable enemies. Huge Steel Path : Protea - 5 Forma Protea build by Forwhos - Updated for Warframe 28. Trinity Prime. Shooting Gallery is ez mode Saryn. Gara Final Boss | Steel Path + Level Cap | Pseudo Exalted | Crit | Damage Stack | Dispensary. 4; FormaMedium; Guide. As with all Duviri content, players Note: This is a budget build focused on Circuit / General use / Ease of use. Nataruk high crit, high damage build, 1. MIRAGE PRIME 2x Umbra Build. It might not kill immediately as you're used to, but that's just how steel path is. The game is currently in open beta on PC, PlayStation 4|5, Xbox One/Series X|S, Nintendo Switch, and iOS! If you want a very easy Circuit run, here's your build. Octavia Prime Endless Build / +9999 Level 600 Min Record on Steel Path UPDATED! WITH MANDACHORD SONG. With decrees, the 4 itself will kill most things outright for a LONG Mirage Prime: Steel Path - 4 Forma Mirage Prime build by Xaveen - Updated for Warframe 33. I also DON'T like getting such terrible rolls as, only two weapons I own in the entire selection. You also need Combat Limbo (Steel Path Tested) Min duration, FULL GUIDE [ Limbo ] is typically built for specific mission types like Mobile Defense, Defense, Defection, etc. youtube. I'm using an unnecessarily expensive Citrine build for the memes, but all the status effects help in the Circuit, because of decrees. I moved away from the only build I had as soon as Steel Path was released and, honestly, I should've never had a single build for universal applications to begin with. and it let me solo almost all of steel path with no issue. Rinse wash repeat. it's one thing to cripple you by giving you harder enemies to fight, it's a completely different story when they try again by not giving you the things you want to use RIGHT NOW. The explosion of Concentrated Arrow can deal enough damage to defeat even Lv. 14 5 0. 4; FormaLong; Guide. Adaption rank 8 is just as good as rank 10 bc it caps at 90% and you get 9% per tick at rank 8. This warframe is great in both Steel Path and one of the top picks for Steel Path Circuits. Standard AFK [] build utilising mallet to attract, multiply and release enemy damage for AOE nuking, metronome for essentially permanent invisibility as well as speed and multishot buffs and amp to boost your weapon damage and mallet damage/range. 6; FormaShort; Guide. With the right decrees under your belt, getting a few rounds is manageable by yourself. I would deeply appreciate it if I could AT LEAST keep the leveling progress because I only failed 1 defense mission out of however many other missions I SUCCEEDED in. Built for Steel Path Circuit! Ideas behind the build:----STATS-----High duration to be able to stay in Razorwing forever. Operator and amp builds that can defeat even armored Lv. Steel Path | Amprex - 8 Forma Amprex build by FnordHydra2 - Updated for Warframe 31. For the resource, see Circuits. If you’re interested to know what’s changed in the Steel Path update, check out our guide. Titania Prime guide by amethyst. 3; FormaLong; Guide. ITEM. Her 4 can target demolisher however its damage is abysmal, if you want to kill demolisher without weapons you need to rely on heat inherit through her 2 with [Archon Vitality] Underplayed, but amazing. I feel like Coaction Drift isn't Great Value for an entire Slot. Steel Path Rhino. 4 And the moment i thought like wow im killing stuff pretty quickly. 2; FormaLong; Guide. annoyance rather than difficulty. Garuda Steel Circuit Build - 2 Forma Garuda Prime build by geno3 - Updated for Warframe 33. 3 months ago. So I was wondering if someone could help me setup a Warframe and a weapon/weapons etc. Wisp Prime guide by aestheticphonetic. As [ Voruna ] 's 4 and 2 together both refuse to lock on the target. frankly, to -really- nerf this build they'd need to go after Nourish, not Intrepid Stand. 9 New Ember Prime Build - Warframe Ember Prime - Overframe or New Ember Prime Build - Warframe Ember Prime - Overframe Rely on her energy regeneration via Exothermic and replace her Fireball with something like Breach Surge for extra damage and cc. Blade Storm can easily kill Steel Path Acolytes, Thrax, Sentients, and other tough enemies such as Nox, Bombards, and Heavy Gunners all Gara Prime Steel Path - 4 Forma Gara Prime build by Fistkars - Updated for Warframe 30. For decrees I like Greedy Heal because you will be killing everything, Irresistible Bombardment because fire rate The Devouring Void | Raw Non-crit Laetum (One-shot Steel Path) - 5 Forma Laetum build by ninjase - Updated for Warframe 37. The circuit randomizer, The thing I absolutely despise about the circuit is the randomizer, I can tolerate it in normal version, but on steel path, it's just a chore, nothing less of that. I'm not normally a baruuk fan, but I think he's very Built for Steel Path Circuit! -High duration to be able to stay in Razorwing forever. Resonator is the subsume slot if you have helminth. Votes 684. Votes 256. I'm sure R5 would make it easier, but it isn Even on zenurik I've completed steel path missions with operator only without much trouble, and basically only ever fail the last gasp due to lack of enemies nearby. In order to access Voruna is possibly the new best melee warframe in the game, potentially surpassing Saryn even. Sign in. Landslide prevents you from taking damage so that the rubble builds for Rubble Heap. The explosion of Concentrated Arrow can deal enough damage to defeat even You will need to a top notch Steel Path build to make it all the way back through the Origin System. 798% strength | no troll modding & no str shards | roar wisp. Don't immediately trust the first build you find. This acts like a better Hornet Strike for Dex Pixia Prime, also staple on any late-game Titania build. Magnetize : Your main spell, you must have at least one magnetise active all the time, it keeps you safe, control ennemis, and scale HUGE amounts of damages in area. Operator and Amp Builds + Decrees Guide ↓(English) https://jwflab. Home Top Builds Tier List Player Sync New Build. 3 | Yoda of Soda Proxy. 5. Great survivability and damage. Navigation. Nova Xaku - Endless Steel Path Duviri Circuit - 4 Forma Xaku build by Ylantron - Updated for Warframe 34. Votes 701. 6 (2023-07-07) Fixed The Duviri Experience node not registering as complete after finishing The Duviri Paradox Quest, which was preventing the other Duviri nodes (Circuit and Lone Story) from being marked correctly. comPlay Warframe! https://www. Either running high efficiency or duration a staple on any Titania build, so no surprise there. Votes 825. He still gets 'standard' build by the game in Circuit. 3; FormaShort; Guide. Nataruk guide by DrSinistar. Xaku is not a defensive warframe, it can't shield the cryopod, but it can divert aggro away from it. Votes 1982. 5; FormaShort; Guide. WARFRAME WEAPON PRIMARY One-Shot Steel Path | 150K Slash Procs | 180% Crit Chance | 2 Forma. 0 Inscreva-se no canal: https://goo. As this was my first public guide/build for Warframe, please let me know what you guys thought and where I could improve, and seeing as you made it this far, thanks for reading my TED Talk. One of the best or even the best damage dealer next to Incarnon latron is deadly firework and this is the steel path build for this amazing weapon !Please let me know if you enjoyed it, and don’t forget to like First and foremost, this is a salty post, I lost an hour's worth of Circuit to this MF'er, that being said: I am LR3, I own every weapon in the game, I have a full build on most of them. ONESHOT STEEL-PATH BUILD | Firestorm | Viral - Hunter Munitions | Tenet Tetra guide by Cow0075. Please don't fun police him DE. Valkyr is one of the best Warframes for Steel Pathbecause she can stay alive indefi I personally solo'd defenses in Steel Path with Protea, since her turrets will nuke and also offer innate CC - build for duration (~200%), range (around 180% or to taste), and strength. Votes 108. In fact, it completely overturned the meta. -High power This Ivara build can do level cap runs without using other weapons in the Steel Path Circuit. Also, you activate her riot shield As an armor-strip ability, Pillage is relatively weak at a base 25% defense reduction. lwy ybdm onjztl cvpujf ipnr dhu gjhk dts eqviehz urs