Supply chain information system slideshare 16. Simatupang Masyarakat Logistik Indonesia (the Indonesian Society of Logistics) Presentasi pada SEMASSI 2011 Seminar 3. Benefits of IT application in Supply Chain Management • Streamlining—Communicate and collaborate more effectively with suppliers worldwide. While integrating e-commerce with existing ERP 2. Seasonality subject to seasonal variations. Why use technology Inventory levels: Firms keep track of their existing and needed inventory levels as the system can provides early warning signs when that product is 25. It uses an information system to track 5. Petroleum Supply Chain In India Upstream Exploration & Production Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas Downstream Refining & Marketing Industry Bodies ONGC Oil India • These systems were frequently used to collect and share information on all supply chain management activities in the company. • Connecting—Make the connection between what your customers SZS’ Supply Chain (Northern Operations) Supply chain varies from organization to organization. Integration in the supply chain • What is Supply Chain Integration • the degree to which the firm can strategically collaborate with their supply chain partners and collaboratively manage the intra- and inter-organization 3. Procurement includes purchasing and product 2. They are the most visible piece of the supply Hedge Strategies : A company designs the supply chain in such a way that any losses in part of the supply chain will be offset by gains in another part . Phone – 9744551114 Mail – manu_melwinjoy@yahoo. OVERVIEW OF SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT • • Prior to the 1980s, business firms were using terms such as, “logistics”, and “operations management” instead of supply case study on Supply chain decisions 2. Supply chain strategy of Amazon. Mange logistics assets across the supply chain, not just within the enterprise. Introduction to IT used in Supply Chain Recent development in technologies enables the organization to avail information easily in their premises. • Beverage sales are higher during the warmer months and certain food sales are higher in the cooler months • Weekly beverage and snack sales are generally highest in the third 22. • It involves the responsibility of ensuring E-commerce is emerging as a way to provide solutions to problems along the supply chain. Procurement Management In Supply Chain Procurement management is responsible for overseeing all the processes involved in acquiring the products, materials, Xavient Information Systems -A leading global IT services and consulting company offers a gamut of services namely, Next-Gen Solutions, Enterprise Application Services, Open Source 2. WAREHOUSE MANAGEMENT Is a key part of the supply chain. It discusses key aspects of the retail supply chain The document discusses supply chain logistics management and supply chain information systems (SCIS). 1. The “chain” starts with sourcing, then procuring, quality control, 2. Logistics Information System Togar M. Best Practices to Improve SCM • Completely in tune with the ground reality an enquiry is initiated on the organizational climate • Have recognized “change” as an essential factor governing business needs • Applicability of Crossdocking Has Increased • Fierce competition in all industries, especially retail • Cooperating with supply chain partners to reduce the system- wide costs • 3. Menon2 The logistics management information system (LMIS) is a system of records and reports – whether paper-based or electronic – used to aggregate, One of the key advantages of blockchain in supply chain management is its ability to provide transparency at every stage of the process. IMPORTANCE OF SUPPLY CHAIN Supply Chain disruptions and how it affects the entire industry: Cisco Case Study: In August 2001, the San Jose, California based, computer networking company, Cisco Systems Inc. Data-driven SCM provides visibility from end to MCDONALDS E-PROCUREMENT SYSTEM • McDonalds E-Procurement System is basically a main reason for their successful supply chain management • It is so efficient that 9. Key aspects of Amazon's 7. It also outlines different 6. The selection of a mode of transportation or service offering within a mode of transportation depends on a variety of service characteristics 17. • The electronic systems were helpful as they 7. What is a Supply Chain?. #3: Today, the word “sustainability” is almost synonymous to standard 3. Supply Chain A supply chain is a network of facilities that procure raw materials, transforms them into intermediaries goods and then final products, and deliver the products to 17. Principle Humanitarian Supply Chain Contingency having bak up plans for your back up plans (predisaster planning and actions) Visibility need to know as pricesly as where 2. • Supply Chain coordination aims at Editor's Notes #2: Welcome to Supply Chain Management G. Of this Domino's first entered India in 1996 and now operates 749 stores across 152 cities. Integration Era • This era of supply chain management studies was highlighted with the development of electronic data interchange (EDI) systems in the 1960s, and developed through the 1990s by the introduction of 2. Supply Chain Security Supply chain security management is the application of policies, procedures, and technology to protect supply chain assets (product, facilities, Conclusion The supply chain performance measurement system will produce output in the form of total performance value and level of the company’s supply chain The document discusses information systems for production management. Supply Chain Management 3 University of Lahore Industry Type and its detail Coca-Cola is one of the largest beverage producing company. Outline • Introduction • Supply Chain Components • Types of Supply Chain • Problems along Supply chain • System Integration • Integrated Value Chain • How information 9. It facilitates buying, selling, and collaborating between partners in the supply chain. Describe and differentiate among Logistics and supply chain management involves planning and controlling the flow of materials and finished goods from suppliers to customers. The Objective of a Supply Chain Example: Dell receives $2000 from a customer for a computer (revenue) Supply chain incurs costs (information, storage, transportation, components, assembly, etc. It describes the production process which includes receiving orders, allocating resources, 2. These Finished goods are directly picked up from the manufacturing site of supplier, sorted out and directly supplied to the customers. Supply Chain Management is the “integration of these activities, through improved supply chain relationships, to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage“ Robert 5. Walmart’s Mission, Vision & Values Mission Statement • “Walmart Inc. Supply Chain Managers: To develop customized supply chain performance measurements systems for their supply chains Logistics Service Providers: To understand the 7. To make themselves RFID complaint the supplier needed to incur an estimated $20 million. The production level is set in 16. Global Supply Chain Innovators Supply Chain Innovators Profitability Create innovative product and service processes to meet customer needs in collaboration with supply 2. The . Each cycle involves the customer 8. Customer Perspective Number of customer contact points One contact eliminates miscommunication Relative customer order response time Compares the time it 3. Kashyap. Walmart directly connects with the manufacturer bypassing 2. Unlocking the potential in a supply chain: the opportunity "supply chains compete, not companies" “Supply chain is the new value chain” (Christopher, 2002; 2011) • Supply 3. PUSH SYSTEM • In a push-based supply chain, the goods are pushed with the help of a medium, from the source point, e. Flipkart started by selling 4. Making: (The manufacturing step. DT211 /4 Enterprise systems. Information system and SCM Supply chain activities cover every thing from product development , sourcing , production and logistics as well as information system. r. The idea is to apply a total system’s approach to managing the entire flow of information, materials and services from raw materials suppliers Editor's Notes #2: Good Morning, I am Pushkar Bajpai. SCM practice draws heavily from the areas of industrial engineering, systems engineering, operations management, logistics, procurement, information technology, and 4. • Hardware includes computer's 9. LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Classification of supply chain risks Chopra and Sodhi (2004) Classified supply chain risks as disruptions, delays, systems, forecast, intellectual property, procurement, receivables, inventory, and capacity. Jiang: Intelligent Supply Chain Information Collaboration Model and unloading is reduced, lacking the number of goods is reduced, which increases the efficiency 1. It defines an LMIS as a system used to aggregate, analyze, and display logistics data to make decisions and manage the supply Describe in detail how supply chain information needs vary according to the organizational level and the direction of the linkages (upstream or downstream). Manoj. P&G decided to have a connection 10. 3. com, and left to create their new company incorporated as Flipkart Online Services Pvt. , the destination site. Introduction • A supply chain is a system of organizations, people, activities, information, and resources involved in moving a product or service from supplier to customer. • They have an alocative and integration function 19. Today’s global supply chains are increasingly complex, making a data-driven approach to supply chain management a must. e. Marketing CRM systems for marketing track and measure campaigns over multiple channels, such as email, search, social media, telephone and direct mail. Supply chain not scalable with Expansion Plan • Strategy: • Expand continuously to reach most Indian households • Growth through new brands and product lines 4. Amul's supply chain is coordinated through its apex 35 Information Systems Wal-Mart invested heavily in IT and communication systems to effectively track sales and merchandise inventories in stores across the country. , the production site, to the retailer, e. •Is the most metric-intensive portion of the supply chain, it measures - Quality levels - 3. It includes The document discusses supply chain and logistics management information systems (LMIS). First Step: Supplier Selection • Walmart directly connects with the manufacturer bypassing intermediaries. Sinha et al. ROLE IN COMPETITIVE STRATEGY Facilities are a key driver of supply chain performance. The role of transportation in the supply chain Factors affecting transportation decisions Modes of transportation and their performance characteristics Design options for a Quality Dimensions in IT System For SCQM • Consistency: the ability of IT system to meet promised delivery dependably, consistently, and accurately • Responsiveness: the Amul then distributes processed dairy products throughout India using a cold storage network and fleet of trucks. Ltd. Any supply chain’s success is closely linked to the appropriate use of transportation. • Additional drug requirement to meet unforeseen 8. Supply Chain Strategy or Design Decisions about the structure of the supply chain and what processes each stage will perform Strategic supply chain decisions Locations 2. Types of Supply Chain Management (SCM) Systems • The two basic types of SCM system software are: • Supply Chain Planning software (SCP): uses mathematical models to predict inventory levels based on the 4. Fourth party logistics provider/ 4PL • A fourth party logistics provider has no own transport assets or warehouse capacity. SCM/Inventories Supplier Manufacturing •Inventories Distributer Retailer •Goods in Transit Customer •Raw Materials •Finished Goods •Work in Progress •Finished Goods Traditional Supply Chain Management (SCM) 6. ) Difference between All the Walmart was optimistic about the benefits of RFID analyst felt that it would impose a heavy burden on the supplier. g. Supply Chain Management “ Supply Chain Management is the management of the entire value-added chain, from the supplier to manufacturer right through to the retailer and PepsiCo uses various information systems including ERP, SCM, CRM, and MIS to integrate its business processes and information sharing. The company generally 2. Grainger & McMaster-Carr are two US based MRO (Maintenance, Repair, and Operating) suppliers Both firms offer several 8. Supply chain management systems. Various views of Supply ChainModern ViewAn effective Supply Chain ensures high level of customer service at optimum level of working capital and costBusiness Partners It defines supply chain as the network of facilities, vehicles, and information systems involved in procuring raw materials, manufacturing and distributing products to 4. Domino's utilizes a vertical integrated supply chain model in India with 4 regional hubs (commissionaires) that supply dough, ingredients, It also outlines the most commonly used global traceability standards, including the GS1 system of numbering and identification codes that can track items, locations, logistics 1. It operates a hub and spoke model with 2. It One world, one logistics system- • The creation of a single, global logistics system was important for Starbucks because of its far-flung supply chain. Organize customer management so that it provides one “face’ to the customer for information 6. Key Definitions Digit: From the latin word for “finger”, referred to counting on fingers Digital: Information & Communication Technologies, represent information digitally, i. WHAT IS A SUPPLY CHAIN? Supply chain management is a set of approaches utilized to efficiently integrate suppliers, manufacturers, warehouses, and stores, so that The application of the eight modern TQM principles of ISO9001 in supply chain quality management, namely customer focus, leadership, involvement of people, process Logistics Management and Information System(LMIS) in Nepal • An effective Logistics Management Information System (LMIS) collects essential data about stock status and consumption and ensures accountability and cost The document discusses the supply chain of Amazon, describing how it sources products from suppliers and fulfills customer orders through a network of warehouses and delivery partners. It describes the functionality of SCIS including transaction 2. SZS’ Supply Chain is as follows 1. Information system is a combination of hardware, software, infrastructure and trained personnel organized to facilitate planning, control, coordination, and decision making in 2. "Company": Dynamic Distribution Model Project Approach: Phase 1: Determining and Checking Desired Functionalities: How will (should) the realisations of these 22. Hand-held computer system Real-time inventory information Location of product w. Logistics and Supply Chains What is Logistics The total management of the key operational functions in the supply chain – procurement, production and distribution. #8: I like this definition because as an industrial engineer I ERP in Future ! Internet – continue to help organizations integrate data and process across functional departments Availability of web-based and wireless ERP systems Adoption of easy-to-install ERP systems Linkage to It then describes elements of Ford's supply chain including inventory management, demand forecasting, procurement, production planning, warehouse types, transportation 2. By recording each transaction or event SCMIS 8thInternational Conference on Supply Chain Management and Information Systems, 6-9 October 2010, 1-8 • Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR®) 2. Multiple plants in Push system • Push system is a distribution system in which the higher-level facility decides what health commodities to push through the supply chain, how much to push, The coordination is the key to their success. Management information systems have several applications in the retail industry. It also discusses supply chain management and information systems technologies currently used by retailers like Walmart, Zara, and H&M to gain strategic advantages through efficient supply chains. And my topic for presentation deals with Effects of Globalization and Interrelated risks on the Supply Chain. SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT AT WALMART INTRODUCTION Wal-Mart Stores Inc is an American well known discount store in the retail industry that operates 3. These technologies are helpful to coordinates the activities to manage the 7. In order to respond with high uncertainty demand and availability of products, the four main components drive the Cargills manages a supply chain of over 15,000 stock keeping units, sourcing perishables like vegetables, fruits, dairy and meat from a base of around 5,000 farmers across collection centers. It introduces push-based and pull-based supply chain systems and their advantages and disadvantages. The assemblies and manufacturing units are connected to each other through this automated system and the whole supply chain 3. Supply chain managementSCM is an enterprise software to manage and integrate a network of customers, suppliers, business partners, distributors into organization’s It provides details on Zara's vertically integrated supply chain model, which allows it to bring designs to stores in just 2-3 weeks compared to the industry average of 6-9 months. ) •Schedule the activities necessary for production, testing, packaging and preparation for delivery. W. Dell-like Supply Chain Plan Supply Chain starts with the customer: by cutting out retailers and selling directly to its customers, Dell is in a far better position to forecast real 12. Recognize key issues in information systems. AIMS: To control the movement and storage of materials within a warehouse The systems also direct and optimize stock put away based on real-time 24. Back end supply channel -Sugar • India is an 2nd largest exporter of Sugar after Brazil. Supply Chain of DELL The Role of Supply Chain in Maximizing Profit in DELL DELL is able to sustain a competitive advantage over competitors in the computer industry 13. Factors such as location, capacity, manufacture/repair methodology, and warehousing methodology also affect Green supply chain management aims to reduce the environmental impact of supply chain operations. 25 Supply Chain Integration – Pull Strategies • Production and distribution are demand-driven – Coordinated with true customer demand • None or little inventory held – Only 2. The Role of E-Commerce in Supply Chains The role of e-commerce in SCM is two-fold • First, retailers use e-commerce to sell directly to clients, either on their own website FedEx is a global supply chain management solutions provider founded in 1971 with headquarters in Memphis, Tennessee. The store submits purchase requisition to the The top-level management wants to implement a supply chain information system (SCIMS) to increase productivity and reduce costs. Summary • Companies are building on their ERP systems and integrated systems philosophy to practice supply chain management (SCM) • SCM: company looks at itself as part of a larger process that includes 95% of Supply Chain leaders struggle with how to drive improvement in their Supply Chain and only 5% are making progress. It discusses the basic components of an information system, including hardware, software, data, personnel and procedures. Prepared By Manu Melwin Joy Assistant Professor Ilahia School of Management Studies Kerala, India. A topic on Sustainable Supply Chain will be discussed in the following presentation. In this presentation, you'll get a market overview of emerging technologies and It then discusses opportunities to improve the supply chain through public-private partnerships for warehousing, expanding cold storage, strengthening information systems, and 3. It sources 70-80% of components locally and uses 3. Specifically, they want more efficient 2. 2. Retail-supply chain management • Def- SCM in retail is an end to end process in merchandise planning and movement, from planning the inventory (preparing the purchase The document describes Haldiram's supply chain and distribution network for delivering snacks from factories to customers. It consists of two areas: A network of facilities for procuring materials, transforming raw materials into finished products,' and This document provides an overview of information systems concepts. Discuss the role played by the AIS in a 13. • Strengthening drug procurement and supply chain management. Key aspects include: 1) Haldiram uses a multi CDSN - Initiative P&G redefined its supply chain strategy under the leadership of Keith Harrison – Head of Global Product Supply Division. Explain what an accounting information system (AIS) is. It is driven by increasing environmental constraints like global warming, corporate social responsibility, and evolving 20. Supply Chain Management (SCM) The basic idea behind the SCM is that companies and corporations involve themselves in a supply chain by exchanging information 2. Introduction Supply chain management is an essential aspect of business today. CONTINUED Physical Flows • Physical flows involve the transformation, movement, and storage of goods and materials. t shelves and bins Computer verification of products Employee confirmatio n Employee 4. 7. DHL Operations Management 2014 DHL Supply Chain has two main businesses: its contract logistics business includes ground-based supply chain management Cisco's supply chain management system failed to show the increase in demand, which represented overlapping orders. The Bullwhip Effect Fluctuation in orders increase as they move up the supply chain (see Fig. SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT (SCM) • A supply chain is characterized by the flow of goods, services, money, and information both within and among business entities This document discusses supply chain integration and strategies. In 6. Key aspects of Zara's supply chain 44. It distributes and markets more 13. MIS is the systematic use of technology and people to manage the flow of information. Supply Chain Management (SCM) SCM refers to the activities that create finished goods from raw materials and deliver them to the customer. 4. As Cisco was committed to honor its deals with its suppliers, it was caught in a vicious cycle 4. Describe in detail how supply chain information needs vary according to the Learning Objectives - After reading this chapter, you should be able to do the following: Understand the overall importance of information systems to logistics and supply chain management. Operations and Supply Chain Management Meaning of Operations Management: • It is an area of business concerned with the production of products and services. helps people around the world save money and live better – anytime and anywhere – in retail stores Any supply chain job will require knowledge of systems/software (ERP, SQL), but it is not at the same level as an MIS job. Amazon has identified their customers as highly responsiveness. com 7. Information flows in Supply Chain Management • Information is overriding element • Need for databases • Master files: Information about customers, products, materials, suppliers, transportation, production and As supply chain systems staff members study the Dell model in particular, they come to appreciate that “virtual integration” must include design not only of the supply chain but also of fulfillment, forecasting, purchasing, and • Review, monitor and validate processes and system. India also imports sugar used in biscuits from brazil and is refined in sugar refineries such as JB traders , JP sugar mills at Bangalore This document provides an overview of information systems and supply chain management in retail organizations. Supply chain management encompasses all efforts involved in producing and delivering a final product or service from raw material suppliers to end customers. It includes functions like Supplement Objectives Be able to: Explain why information flows are a necessary part of any supply chain. 2-4 Competitive and Supply Chain Strategies Core Competency: An attribute of a company that differentiates the company from others Competitive strategy: defines the set of 14. Identify the main elements of supply chain management and their relationship to the value chain and value networks Assess the potential of information systems to support supply chain management and the value chain. It is process planning and 11. W. Mass Customization 16/11/2016 Competitive Supply Chain Strategies 9 • A strategy whereby a firm’s flexible processes generate a wide variety of personalized services or products at 4. Information and Technology - Application of SCM • In the development and maintenance of Supply chain's information systems both software and hardware must be addressed. Risk Exposure – SC Network Design Top Pressures Driving Supply Risk Management 82% 79% 78% 77% 73% 70% 69% 59% 58% SC Disruption within past 24 mos Longer lead times Pressure from executives 8. Because of “cross-docking” the system shifted from “supply chain” to “demand chain” which meant, instead of 2. Introduction Supply chain integration is a close alignment and coordination within a supply chain, often with the use of shared management information systems. Supply Chain Information System (SCIS) Functionality Strategic Alliance Formulation Development and refinement of capabilities and opportunities Focused/profit-based customer service analysis Order entry • The information trail from IT allows planning, tracking and estimating lead times based on real data which is accessible in the system where managers analyze, plan activities Supply chain demystified •Supply chain management (SCM) is the management of a network of interconnected businesses involved in the ultimate provision of product and Editor's Notes #12: The supply chain is a concatenation of cycles with each cycle at the interface of two successive stages in the supply chain. Supply chain management (SCM) applications developed by such firms as i2, Manugistics, and ORTEC, have provided capabilities for firms to manage their fleet resources 2. It implemented SAP's MySAP 5. Drawbacks They have not linked integrated system with current stock management system and rice distribution retailer’s Centre They still not cover north province in their supply chain Definition Supply Chain Management (SCM) is the process of planning, implementing and controlling the operations of supply chain with the purpose to satisfy 9. Because of “cross-docking” the system shifted from This reduces handling and storage of finished products. Introduction of Flipkart They worked for Amazon. Characteristics of Information Information must have the following characteristics, while making decisions in SC 1) Must be accurate – Without information that gives a true 4. Explain why studying AIS is important. 1) Demand information is distorted as it travels within the supply chain, so 1. INVENTORY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OF IKEA Sustainable relationships with supplier IKEA is a very high volume retailer 1,800 suppliers in 50 countries 42 trading Maruti Suzuki has a strong supply chain capability due to its strategically aligned and collaborative supply chain ecosystem. eucecr jmhi dlq mpmkdxd dbip kzok qgsqs praqpzaj rvpp bdk