Mufti online number Answered by: Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach) Fatwa Jamia Tur Rasheed , Al mufti online, فتا وی جا معۃ الرشید ، المفتی آن لا ئن 03182754103,03182754104 بِسْمِ اللَّـهِ الرَّحْمَـٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ Ask Mufti Online . It is a common cure for paralysis and evidently very effective. The baby had visible buds of arms and legs. Ask your questions online for reliable, scholarly guidance. za bears no responsibility to any party who may or may not act on this answer. Please broadcast this notice to all your contacts. Published 1 month ago. Is a push present allowed in Islam? The wife usually expects a gift from the husband because she has suffered nine months and labour as well. Yes, he should make masah over the bandage. Click Q: Is it permissible to calculate the zakat on the zakat date then slowly give out the zakat throughout the year? A: Yes, this is permissible provided before the next zakaat date all the previous years zakaat is discharged. Q: What was the reply of Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi to that person who explained to him about his dream in which he read the kalima shareef as "Ashraf Ali Rasulullah"? A: Dreams etc. Is there a number we should try to obtain for our number plates,cell phone numbers etc. A: It is permissible. Q: Is it totally impermissable to recite the duas as بسم الله وعلى بركة الله (Wa Ala Barakatillah) and من المسلمين as this is the way we were taught in makhtab madressah. Answered by: Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach) Q: Is it permissible to take a picture of a person from the back, from head to toe i. Say Salaam to our selection of specialist Imams and Alimahs, whose expertise will guide you on your journey to religious and contextual clarity. Total number of Fataawa. Mufti Sahab is One of those Alims who Explains the Quran with the Scientific & Technical Ascepts. WhatsApp Broadcasts. Checked & Approved: Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach) Q: I am a 53 year old divorced female. Few years before they cut down relation with me because of my in laws but now they invited me for this party respectfully. 3. Home / Sports in Islam Sports in Islam. Click on the following link to join our WhatsApp community group: https: Disclaimer: The answer hereby given is specifically based on the question asked and should be read together with the question asked. সত্যের সন্ধানে উম্মার কল্যাণে আল হিদায়া Mufti Zakaria Makada. DAILY Q: Does divorce happen if a person is in private, without anyone around, says the words of divorce towards his wife with intention to do it? A: Yes, the divorce will take place. Mufti Zakaria Makada. I am now 24 and have recited it this way all those time. Click on the following link to join our WhatsApp community group: https: Q: What is the status of applying saffron on the head of a newborn child. Home / Gadats Gadats. A: A place that had been preoccupied with evil, filth and dirt should be cleansed thoroughly, washed out and the name of Allah be taken in abundance and in all the rooms the recitation of the Qur'aan Shareef should be made. Answered by: Mufti Zakaria Makada. Published 4 years ago. We continued to live in the same house and bed. Homosexuality [36] Proposal [13] Total number of Fataawa. They are visible in the ultrasound. It is only the dream of a nabi that can be held as a proof or as an argument. 33934. Is it permissible to change and switch between mazhabs more then once? For example, for one to say he's a Hanafi but then decides to become a Shaafi and then become a Hanafi again. Is this allowed and what is the fatwa regarding this? A: If the cell is extracted from blood, it will be permissible. From my research I have been able ascertain that the children are eventually given to their father. Home / Status of niqaab in Islam Status of niqaab in Islam . An interesting combination of religious and philosophical dialogue Q: There is a hadith about women travelling, Abu Hurairah (radhiyallahu anhu) reported: The Messenger of Allah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said, "It is not permissible for a woman who believes in Allah and the last day to make a journey of one day and night unless she is accompanied by a mahram (husband or male relative whom she is prohibited to marry). Q: If a person has a gold tooth, will it be necessary for him to include it in his zakaat calculation and pay zakaat on it? A: Hazrat Thaanwi (rahimahullah) has mentioned that if the tooth is such that it cannot be removed, then zakaat is not compulsory upon it. Answered by: Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach) All Official Links from the Mufti Menk Channel can be found here: https://muftimenk. Country X is a non-islamic state with a minority number of muslims that is run by a political party, we can call this political party Y for example, Q: I wanted to know about "push present" which is a gift from a husband to his wife for her giving birth of the child. Q: Please can you clarify for me. A: Recite يَا سُبُّوْحُ ، يَا قُدُّوْسُ ، يَا غَفُوْرُ ، يَا وَدُوْدُ seven times in the morning and evening and blow on your husband's food. Click on the following link to join our WhatsApp community group: https: Welcome to Ask Mufti Online YouTube Channel! This channel provides you All kinds of Islamic Knowledge related Answer. 140,665 likes · 571 talking about this. Q: Can we play games on the compter, smart phone, etc? A: If the game one plays has anything impermissible in it e. The ladies area has a separate entrance door to that for the men and classrooms. Please describe is it okay to offer fajar qaza namaz after fajar obligatory prayer and is it allowed to Q: I divorced my wife once but I took her back into my marriage. Is it permissible for me to attend this party for family relationship, otherwise I am not interested in these types of parties. I dont know what to do as I dislike it so much and feel very uncomfortable with it. Published 7 years ago. Q: Can a 40 day khatam be held outside of the home if there is a problem with space? A: It is not permissible to hold forty day khatams upon the demise of the deceased. And you can also send your questions on our WhatsApp number. Click on the following Shop for the latest collection of Mufti Menswear at our online clothing store. Click on the following link to join our WhatsApp community group: https: Mufti Zakaria Makada. Home / Wazifa for easy pregnancy Wazifa for easy pregnancy . Forty day khatams are not established in deen and are regarded as innovated practices. However, the salaah will be valid and sajdah sahw will not be waajib. It is usually called "push present" because the wife pushes the baby out. Moaazan ya kisi aur namazi ka? 2. 34092. Can the imaam claim full pay if he leads only four salaahs while his contract stipulates all five? 2. 34053. Aqamat-e-Salaah kis ko perhni chahiyy? Kis ka haq ziyada he. Written Fatawa by Jamia Tur Rasheed Karachi. 34093. Click on the following link to join our WhatsApp community group: https://chat Mufti Muhammad Ali, Feni, Bangladesh. Please advise. Q: What is the ruling regarding copyright, etc? A: It appears in Al-Ashbaah wan Nazaair that the purchasing and selling of rights is not permissible. com----BEWARE OF SCAMMERS WHO OPERATE IN THE COMMENTS SECTION PRETENDING Q: Mujhe apni khwab ki tabeer maloom karni hai. You should not perform any nafl namaaz after Asr. All unplanned and my husband blames me for having them as he suggested to abort the second and third one. com Disclaimer: The answer hereby given is specifically based on the question asked and should be read together with the question asked. 34101. Please give me a dua which I can recite on him to soften his heart and for him to love me. Founded by the respected Mufti Sajid Attari in February 2022, Ask-Mufti has answered Q: I have a uni-brow and I want to remove it but my parents say we need an authentic hadeeth or quranic ayah. Home / Concerned about being overweight Concerned about being overweight. Welcome to Ask-Mufti, a dynamic platform of Ahl-e-Sunnat wa Jamaat dedicated to spreading Islamic understanding in the light of Fiqh-e-Hanafi. Home / Melka marriage Melka marriage. 34090. Just as it is unanimously not permissible to sell the rights of walaa (the right of the master receiving the inheritance of a slave after he is freed in the case where he does not have any relatives) and shuf’ah (the right of pre-emption فتوی معلوم کریں - Ask Mufti from Darulifta Jamia Binoria Ask Mufti Online . Home / Purchasing airtime advance Purchasing airtime advance . Muftionline. By user2. And Allah Ta'ala knows best. Site Search. I heard that it symbolises something not sure if it’s true. A: Abstain from things that are doubtful or that may have wrong connotations. What is the proper way of cutting the hair? A: The demand of shariah and the wish of Allah Ta`ala is foremost. I sometimes have dreams which have unpleasant interpretations. You may remind us if the question has not been answered within Darulifta Al-ikhlas also welcomes people to meet religious scholars (Mufti’s) in person at our office or can send their queries on our web-site to obtain solution in English or Urdu in the light of Quran and Sunnah. answer for 786. Q: Is it permissible to wear the clove bracelets. Q: I would like to inquire on how a fasakh works? A: If you are referring to faskh of a marriage then your grievances should be presented to some reliable group of Muslims, preferably Ulama. It must be done with the remembrance of Allah Ta`ala, with gratitude to Him and submission to His obedience. Read more. Argument: Kissing Mazaars [A Summary of the teachings of Saudi Arabian Sunni Islamic Scholar Shaykh As-Sayyid Muhammad ibn `Alawi al-Maliki of Makkah al-Mukarramah] Q: My family invited me for a birthday party. Educational Consultant Can Mufti please advise me on how to go about helping him? He stopped for about 2 months and today I found that he started again. nikaah; zina; Total number of Fataawa. It is not permissible for one to join two salaahs and perform them both in one salaah time, regardless of whether one is residing in one's hometown or one is on a journey. B. Search. Home / Women's Issues Women's Issues. Hazrat Abdullah bin Mas'ood (radhiyallahu anhu) reports that Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said: من وافق موته عند انقضاء رمضان دخل Q: A lady is pregnant but at her scan at 14 weeks she finds out that the baby had died at 9 weeks and 1 day. Q: Should a woman change her surname to her husband's surname instead of her father's surname after marriage? A: It is permissible. Published 5 years ago. Disclaimer: The answer hereby given is specifically based on the question asked and should be read together with the question asked. He passed away after six months. Hence she is given a pill and miscarriage is initiated. Home / Advice Advice. We are both single, and are considering making Nikah. Hence, if physical possession and delivery is not found, it will not be permissible, and if it is found, it will be You can call (NOT TEXT) the Mufti in complete confidence on the following number, UK 07407 711305, and international +447407 711305 anytime after 2pm UK time. Apart from this, the interpretation of dreams is not something conclusive. I retrieved one file from his dirt bin and have been using it ever since. Mufti Ebrahim I am OK and and we start life again. com Q: 1. Can you please tell me whether or not this is allowed in Shar'ia purely for treatment and medicinal purposes? Q: Mera swal ha k mana Allah pak sa wada kya k ma ya kam nai karo ga lekin mana phir wo kam kar deya or ab muja ya kheyal a raha ha k mana ya wada keya tha k agar mana ya kam dobara keya tu islam sa kharij ho jao ga ya muja kheyal a raha ha or muja ya pata nai k mana ya be kaha tha k nai. However, I dragged my feet 4 times to reach my place. Home / Removing a unibrow Removing a unibrow. Apart from the hanafi mazhab, according to some ulama, this practice is Q: My question is that I have heard many times that patients with paralysis should opt for treatment with pigeon and also the application of the blood of the pigeon on the affected area. Home / Selling fireworks Selling fireworks. Breadcrumb. #SamaaTV #muftionline #SamaaDigital #AskMufti Engage in live question-and-answer sessions with muftis for personalized guidance and advice. The classrooms are used for namaaz when there is an overflow of males. To improve our processes, we would like to employ a full-time finance officer to handle fund management, Q: Is it advisable to say "thumma ameen". co. Click on the following link to join our WhatsApp community group: https://chat. He usually uses tissue with his underwear for a few minutes after going to the bathroom in case any drops come out and then discards it a short while later. Aameen is supposed to be said after a dua. agar tu kaha hoa tu is ka kaffara kasa pora karu or kya sachi tauba kar ka dobara Hazrat Mufti Tariq Masood D. Click on the following link to join our WhatsApp community group: https: A person had thrown away a large number office files. I have also tawt my kids this way. " Q: Just want to find out which salaah's can be joined (read at the same time) when one is a traveller? A: Performing each salaah in its respective time is fardh (compulsory). Q: I would like to know if it's permissable to attend a course on interpreting dreams. The cloth should not touch the face. Last year he again divorce me three times in one setting. A: To recite the same surah in both the rakaats is makrooh, though the salaah will be valid. 2. My family contacted mufti and told him the whole situation. A: Yes. Click on the following link to join our WhatsApp community group: https: Q: Did the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) say that if you drink from a bottle or a container, you will get poor. Is he entitled to a full salary during his annual four week umrah journey and five week family holiday? Ask Mufti Online . Mufti Online. Home / Gender change Gender change. • Kindly allow 2-7 working days for your answer. What is your ruling or fatwa on interpreting dreams? Q: Is playing with dice is Halal or Haram and the Ludo game comes in this category, while playing without betting? A: It is not a recommended game. Click on the following link to join our WhatsApp community group: https: Q: Is it permissible in Islam to use stem cells and if the stem cells are from unknown source who is not known to you. Answered by: Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach) Talk to an Imam is an online platform that provides accessible, authentic and confidential religious counsel. whatsapp. Q: By the grace of Allah Almighty I have been blessed to be a mother (second time). Can you please guide me to do what during this duration in order to stay safe ? اجارہ یعنی کرایہ داری اور ملازمت کے احکام و مسائل; اقرار اور صلح کا بیان; القرآن; امانت ودیعت اورعاریت کے احکام Q: Is it permissible to say ameen after saying inshallah to something that one intends in the future? A: This is not the place to say Aameen. Q: If one has a deep cut and it's plastered or bandaged, and one cannot remove it for wudhu out of fear that the wound will continue bleeding or further be harmed, is it correct to make masah over the bandage? If the bandage has blood, can the person perfrom salaah with it? A: 1. Checked & Approved: Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach) Registered and Corporate Office Address: Credo Brands Marketing Limited. Checked & Approved: Q: My mother requests a fatwa to show some women regarding the purdah in ihram, explaining: 1. Kharay ho kar paani peena kaisa hy aur khuch loog kehty hy koi farq nahin perta Huzur (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) ne kharay ho kar bhi paani piya he. Wazifas; Labels. He say there is a gap in wordings and this is the last chance to continue with him and ruju. If it is a picture of a woman, then the picture should be taken without the head and no portion of her body should be visible as the entire body of a woman is awrah which should not be seen by Q: I want to know if a man's trouser is minorly torn at different places, can he perform prayers or do dua? A: Yes, if his satr is not exposed the namaaz will be valid. his face is not visible. If the question requires research, allow up to 2 weeks or more. Nikaah & Marriage Issues; Pregnancy and Parenting; Pregnancy; Total number of Fataawa. Home / Elections and voting Elections and voting. Answered by: Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach) Ask Mufti Online . Allah blessed me with a boy and two girls but my husband keeps saying at least 5-10 times per day that we have Q: Mai khuwab mai gandagi dekhti hu. Business and Dealings; Trade; Valid & Invalid transactions; Total number of Fataawa. The wuzu khanaa, classrooms and ladies namaaz area downstairs. There is a masjid/classrooms/ladies namaaz area in one building. Checked & Approved: Q: During the time of Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and the Sahaba (Radiyallahu Anhum) was Eid ul Adha celebrated for one day or three days? B-8, MIDC Central Road, Marol, Next to MIDC Police Station, Andheri (E), Mumbai - 400 093, Maharashtra, India Ask Mufti Online . Q: What should we do when moving into a new home in which a non-Muslim (hindu) lived? Should anything specific be read? Please give daleel. Some Ulama are of the opinion that one will get the takbeer-e-ula if one joins the Imaam before the Imaam goes into ruku of the first rakaat. By admin. Q: I want to perform my qadha prayers. Checked & Approved: Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach) Category. If they see that there is a valid reason to annul the nikaah they will do it. Browse the extensive range of stylish Men’s clothing like jeans, shirts, t-shirts, trousers, jackets and more. Founded by the respected Mufti Sajid Attari in February 2022, Ask-Mufti has answered Don’t forget to watch Mufti Online Live show only on Samaa TV Digital. Q: 1. His parents and his sister goes in and out of our place and do what they want Q: In Musjid Nabawi صلي الله عليه وسلم, there is an app which allows a person to enter the Rowdhatul Jannah once a month by making a booking. Q: I have a book of Ibn Sireen (RA). Q: Is bungee jumping permissible because I have heard that due to it having similarities with the aspect of suicide it will not be permissible? A: Due to the harms and dangers associated with this type of activity, we advise that one does not get involved in such activity. Answered by: Mufti Zakaria Makada Q: This is regarding child custody post talaq/khula. My first child had congenital abnormalities including heart and intestine issues. This action is forbidden. 34098. Google Search. I remember hearing a ruling that once a person disposes an item, it is permissible for others to take it without the permission of the former owner. The office of Darulifta Al Ask Mufti from Darulifta Jamia Binoria استفتاء فارم واہیات اور فحش نوعیت کے سوالات کے جواب نہیں دئے جاتے ہیں اس لئے ایسے سوالات پوچھنے میں اپنا وقت ضائع نہ کریں اور نہ ہی جواب کا انتظار کریں۔ Please add your name and ID number to the email. My question is, do the children have any say in this? Q: Can I read the same surah in both rakats of a farz salah? For example someone reads surah fatihah and surah ikhlaas in the first 2 rakats of zuhr farz. And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best. They will see if you have a valid case and they will follow procedure. com Q: Is water-birth permissible if a woman has covered the necessary areas? A: This is not a respectable Muslim way to deliver a child. Last night my husband forced me to have intercourse with him despite my objections and plea not to. Then she asked me for a separation (khula'). Then it subsides. However, if it can be removed, then zakaat will be compulsory upon it. Ask Mufti Online . However, it is Sunnah Disclaimer: The answer hereby given is specifically based on the question asked and should be read together with the question asked. If this occurs what can be done for the interpretation not to become effective? Q: I have the following questions regarding the employment of an imaam: 1. Last year we moved into the outbuilding. Click on the following Ask Mufti Online . have no significance. 34068. Checked & Approved: Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach) Q: Is forex trading halal or haram in islam? A: For the validity of any sale, ownership and possession of the commodity is required. Answered by: Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach) Q: I would like to know if it's permissable to attend a course on interpreting dreams. 34036. Q: Kissing graves of the Auliyaa. Nikaah & Marriage Issues; Various masaail of Nikaah; Labels. However, the muqtadis did not move back 1 saff, so I dragged my feet and moved 1 saff forward. Marital Issues [552] Premarital relationships [60] Total number of Fataawa. 34052. wazifa for children; boy baby; Total number of Fataawa. Q: Is there any dua that we need to recite between the two sujood of a rakaat in salaah? A: The sitting posture between two sajdahs is referred to as jalsa. There was nothing wrong with many of these files. Meri ammi jaan ka recently intiqal hua hai aur main har namaz main Allah se dua kar rahi thi ke mujhe Allah talah khwab ke zarye bata de ke meri ammi jaan theekh hain aur sakoon main hain. e. I have three kids. Haiz, Istihaazah & Nifaas [410] Hijaab & Purdah [174] Total number of Fataawa. Q: I would like to have some clarity regarding the issue of having a shower while in sunnat itikaaf. Miscellaneous; Pictures & Videos; Nikaah & Marriage Issues; Pregnancy and Parenting; Pregnancy; Total number of Fataawa. Click on the following link to join our WhatsApp community group: https: Read your std. I was presented with the following argument from a family member and need to give some clarification. Answered by: Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach) Disclaimer: The answer hereby given is specifically based on the question asked and should be read together with the question asked. Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach) Category. Purdah has to be observed from ghayr mahrams. Click on the following link to join our WhatsApp community group: https: Q: Is there a sunnah or recommended method of ascending the mimbar?Because I see some people ascend each step with their right foot and then turn around on the last step, while others walk up with both left and right feet, and still others walk up backwards. Q: Is it allowed in Islam to bath with your husband or wife in a bathroom which also has toilet (wc) in it. Checked & Approved: Disclaimer: The answer hereby given is specifically based on the question asked and should be read together with the question asked. Is it 1) Sunnah 2) Mustahab 3) Permissible 4) Impermissible? A: We are unable to find any mention of this mas’alah in the hanafi kitabs, however since there is mention of this practice in the ahadith, it is permissible for one to do it. جزاك الله خيرا Basheer Paruk Inc DAILY NASEEHAH 3-NABI SAW's FAMILY MUFTI AK HOOSENRABI. Checked & Approved: Q: The Botswana Muslim Association zakaat committee is currently in the process of restructuring its operations for enhanced transparency, security, and accountability. Q: Mufti sahab, After I read Asr Fard Salaah, can I read any nawaafil Salah or any qadha fardh salaah? A: You can perform qadhaa namaaz. Home / Wearing nike clothing Wearing nike clothing. Answered by: Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach) Q: My question is this that if we are 30 miles far away from our home do we need to pray qasar namaaz? A: No. The baby had buds as arms and legs. Home / Driving non-mahrams Driving non-mahrams. It does not have any bearing on the shari`ah. This rich resource covers various aspects of Islam, including Quranic Verses, Hadith and 0207 112 8322. So, If you have any questions about Islamic queries comments on any videos Q: I have been married 6 years and I was living with my in laws as my husband refused to move away, I settled for second best option and that was to build us a place in the yard. A: If the picture is taken from the back without the head, then it will be permissible. Checked & Approved: Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach) Authentic & Unauthentic Islamic Books; Total number of Fataawa. Now this year on 5 Jan, he again say divorce three time in one setting. com Ask Mufti Online . After giving her khula', now we would like to get married again knowing that she is 6 months pregnant. If I am the only one going to be drinking from a 2 liter bottle and no one is going to be drinking after me, is this a hadith? A: This Q: Are we permitted to wear the four-leaf clover bracelet/jewellery? A: If people use this for good luck, then you should refrain from wearing it as it is linked to superstition. Home / Nikaah & Marriage Issues Nikaah & Marriage Issues. . Founded by Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera, ZamZam Q: I want to ask if wearing the four leaves clover bracelet permissible, as we don't wear it thinking that it will give us good luck? A: If people use this for good luck, then you should refrain from wearing it as it is linked to superstition. e. Hence, holding such practices is not permissible, neither in one's house, nor out of one's house. There is a misconception amongst some women who, throughout the year observe purda, اَلْحَمْدُ لِلّه, but due to a certain aalim's wife informing them that purdah is not necessary in ihraam, they Q: Two weeks ago a Shariah court issued a talaq raji. Zakaat; Recipients of Zakaat; Total number of Fataawa. Checked & Approved: Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach) Disclaimer: The answer hereby given is specifically based on the question asked and should be read together with the question asked. Because our families are very close, we are afraid that if we have a public Nikah, and the marriage subsequently does not work, this will cause immense stress on the entire family. He says straight after he goes to the toilet, about 5 or 10 mins after, he has some trouble with few drops. CIN: L18101MH1999PLC119669 B-8, MIDC Central Road Marol, Next to MIDC Police Station, Disclaimer: The answer hereby given is specifically based on the question asked and should be read together with the question asked. According to some Ulama, the only time one could have a ghusl, not a shower, is if one had a wet dream in the musjid and is forced to make ghusal. We will be launching the booking option very soon! Unprecedented access to Get answers to your Islamic queries from certified Muftis at Kulyat Ul Quran Online Academy. At present, one of our full-time imaams is solely responsible for all aspects of the zakaat operations. Through wearing it, you will be emulating them. Is there any significance in saying thumma with Aameen? A: It is permissible. I will perform my qaza namaz after every obligatory prayers but I am worried about fajar and asar prayers. Home / Taking pictures of people Taking pictures of people . Is it fine to do this, or will it be considered as deceiving the people of Madinah Munawwarah? Mufti Online. Click on the following link to join our WhatsApp community group: https: Adding a "christmas" tag to an online product so it appears easily in searches to attracts sales Mufti Zakaria Makada. ’’دارالافتاء ‘‘جامعۃ الرشید کےشعبوں میں سے ایک اہم شعبہ ہے جو لوگوں کو ایمانیات،عبادات،معاشرت،خانگی وکاروباری معاملات اور اخلاقیات سے متعلق شرعی رہنمائی بھر پور انداز میں پیش کررہا ہے۔ Q: Is there any virtue reported in the Hadith for passing away during the month of Ramadhaan? A: It is reported in the Hadith that the one who passes away during the month of Ramadhaan will be admitted directly into Jannah. Click on the following link to join our WhatsApp community group: https: Q: What is the shar'ee ruling in the case where the Imaam recited the same surah in both rakaats of a fardh salaah?Will sajdah sahw be waajib? A: It is makrooh for one to intentionally recite the same surah in both rakaats of a fardh salaah. Preferable to use 786 or Can u pay off the installments of your vehicle that was stolen with interest money; TRADING A VEHICLE; I would like to know if house & vehicle insurance is permissible Q: Me and my husband always argue and he swears me and tells me to get out of the house. g. My husband made a key for his parents because they look after our 5 year old child. Answered by: Ask Mufti Online . Click on the following link to join our WhatsApp community group: https: Ask Mufti Online . Thereafter she became pregnant. It is not compulsory for one to recite anything in the position of jalsa. is of the Youth's Favourite Islamic Personality who changed the Life of Many Youngsters, By Logical and Mind Blowing Lectures. pictures or images of animate objects or music, it will not be permissible. We used the basic essentials dua kitaab while in madressah. Q: What is the explanation of takbeer-e-ula? Will you still call it takbeer-e-ula if you get the Imaam in the qiraat of the surah? A: There are different opinions of the fuqaha regarding takbeer-e-ula. 881 likes. Since this is unavoidable, he is permitted to perform Ask Mufti Online . What is your ruling or fatwa on interpreting dreams? A: In our understanding, the science of interpreting dreams is not a science that can be learnt through taking part in any course. What is common is to cancel the booking after the guards check, allowing one to book for a second time in the next week. Answered by: Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach) Q: Is it permissible in Islam for a woman to cut her hairs as she wishes, or as a fashìon or just because her husband wishes. Q: My father has a small problem with old age and urine drops. My first cousin is 62 and he is recently divorced. He is the Student of Mufti-e-Azam Pakistan Rasheed Ahmed Ludhianvi , Ustaz Jamia Tur Rasheed kulya tush Ask Mufti Online . A: Us se muraad dunya ki dawlat. The masjid-mens namaaz area is on the first floor. 518,427 likes · 4,053 talking about this. Click on the following link to join our WhatsApp community group: https: Q: I was leading salaah with one muqtadi, who was standing 1 foot behind me, when a second muqtadi joined the prayer. Published 10 years ago. Click on the following link to join our WhatsApp community group: https: Welcome to Ask-Mufti, a dynamic platform of Ahl-e-Sunnat wa Jamaat dedicated to spreading Islamic understanding in the light of Fiqh-e-Hanafi. There are various aspects that are taken Q: My question is regarding the Islamic teachings of having offsprings after marriage as Islam strictly prohibits the birth control methods. Published 8 years ago. In the case of dealing in foreign currency online, generally, physical possession and delivery of the currency is not found. ycd mwngkyll htxw zfqqx rwmhm ncwzks juct xecaj ywc fdpy
Mufti online number. Q: Two weeks ago a Shariah court issued a talaq raji.