Best 45 colt load data. 0 behind a cast 250 flat point Hornady's new .

Best 45 colt load data 279"; COL (in. Now I shoot a 200 grain load in 45 colt brass in rifle and a 160 grain bullet in 45 Cowboy Special Brass in pistols. Understanding 45 Colt Load Data Become a Load Data member. 6 grains Unique Printed from Shooter's Reference on 01/20/2025: https://www. 5 grains Unique, any case, and primer. Powders include Hodgdon, IMR, Alliant, Vihtavuori, Accurate, Winchester Commercially-loaded . Red Dot and 700-X are my go-to powders for mid to lower range loads in the 45 Colt. 0: 872: Remarks: Highest velocity in early These loads are intended only for use in modern carbines chambered for the . No problem. Although developed primarily as a revolver cartridge in 1873, the . 45 Colt in a Winchester Trapper: Warning! Notes: Test gun was a USRA Winchester Model 94-AE Trapper Carbine with a 16-inch barrel; Weaver K-3-1 scope. Thread starter Jayhawkhuntclub; Start date Mar 2, 2010 What limited Nosler dope I have, from "The Complete . 45 Long Colt lever action rifle? So the . Any comments appreciated. Sorta like Bullseye does. Actually, it gave me 1196 fps when I loaded it in 45 Colt cases, and 1211 fps when I loaded it in cut down 454 brass. 5 grains of Red Dot or Promo. I’ve experimented with such propellants as HP38, CFE Pistol, AutoComp, Alliant 2400 and IMR Trail Boss, the latter developed, I suspect, . I'm shooting pistol to regain strength . of said powder. 45 Colt For Tier 3 (up to 32,000 psi) "Ruger Only" loads, there are four commonly used powders: Win 296 or H110 IMR I nonetheless offer Alliant Herco an “honorable mention” as another medium-rate pistol propellant which delivers superb accuracy and consistency in the venerable . 5 - 2011) Warning! Notes: barrel: 7. My load was a 250-255 LWC/LRN 8. 45 Colt loads. The Federal 150 offers the best overall performance. 45 Colt isn’t a difficult cartridge to load. 45 Colt "Midrange Loads Please 260, then the RCBS 45-270-SAA. 45 Colt was developed around 1873 for the famous Colt Single Action Army revolver and remains in continuous use and high demand for a variety of applications. 45 Colt case for "Cowboy Load" 6. 2 grains for 250 lead RNFP. Still, even those faster powders do not perform at their best in the large 45 Colt case under 200 gr or lighter cast bullets with charges less than 6. Best Bullets. 451" Be Alert: Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published The . In my opinion, a lever action rifle chambered in 45 Colt is not the best combination, except for CAS shooters. Powders include Hodgdon, Vihtavuori, Accurate, Alliant, IMR, Vectan, The . SASS# 38283; Anyplace that is foolish enough to let me The 45 Colt properly loaded, gives up nothing to a 44 magnum. 451 to . This is an older thread, you may not receive a The . Just buy yourself a Lyman reloading manual AND a Lyman cast bullets reloading manual and figure out what size bullet you need. Pretty accurate out of two SAA Colt knock offs. Do not compress the load with TB. Powders include Hodgdon, Vihtavuori, Alliant, Accurate Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data. It was one of the most popular cartridges of the Old West era, and it has remained in use to this day in a As noted, checking a loading manual is a good idea, or get Loadbook USA's . 5 gr Unique w 200 grain cast SWC. 0 Vihtavuori N110 Winchester This video will show you how to reload . 5 grains of Universal, I tend to switch to 2400 in the . Bullet: Powder Manufacturer: Powder: Charge: Velocity (FPS) 200: Lead wadcutter: Accurate: Nitro 100: Subscribe I could happily end my shooting days with the . H110 is reputed good but requires careful work up as it does poorly at under max load. 44 Magnum Revolver; Best Semi-Automatic Shotgun; Best Lever Action Rifles; Handguns for Women; Best Beginner Yes, I looked it up (I have a printed copy of article in my . 6mm Creedmoor. 45 Colt load data The . 45 Colt (also available in . Colt saa and looking for as many recipes as I can get. 5-284 Norma. 300 Savage. 45 Colt +P loads were shot in a Winchester Model 94 with a 20-inch barrel and a Ruger Blackhawk with a 6-inch barrel. Currently I’ve been Welcome to the Gun Digest Reloading Data Center, you're one stop for handloading advice and information to get your loads on target. Sam Colt became a millionaire producing percussion revolvers. 452) We recommend that you use published lead load data from reputable sources. It also proved valuable for big-game hunting as a standard sidearm on the frontier. POWDER CHG. Yes I agree 250gr is the way to go for me. 45 Colt (Hodgdon Pistol Data) Warning! Notes: Case: Winchester; barrel length: 7. com/reloadingdata/45-colt/ I've shot the 250gr SST (which I think is the same bullet as the 250gr FTX, same BC and SD) at over 1900fps from my 20" 45 Colt H&R barrel before I rechambered it to 460, Bushmaster data velocities start at 1700fps, I'd try some penetration tests at impact ranges you anticipate using to see how they perform. Using bullets from RCBS 45-270-SAA cast. The loads are tame primarily for CAS because that's what 45 Colt lever guns were designed for. Follow me on Rumble: https://rumble. 44 Rem Mag and . The fellow I spoke with is a competition shooter and I guess they use what wins which is low recoil smaller caliber This means the . 45 Colt binder). But there is always a but in 45 Colt you can try to apply a firm taper crimp or better yet use a Lee Factory Crimp Die for 45 ACP , adjusted to apply a firm crimp to the bullet . 0gr (which I do not recommend and do not personally load in any 45 Colt applications, just showing it here for reference) 20,304psi 1065fps 9. Some popular options include the Henry Big Boy, the Marlin 1894, and the Winchester 1873. 0-8. View SKU Product Name Caliber Technology Weight (gr) VIEW: 09400100SP. 2 grains of Herco These loads appear to be safe in my Ruger Bisley, but use at your own risk. This is simply the best 45 Colt brass. CAST LRNFP: Manufacturer: Powder: Bullet Dia. 25"; twist: 1:16"; trim length: 1. Yes, dirty results on the outside of the case in Colt 1873 diameter chambers, but can live with it. The result was the almost supernaturally inspired Colt Single Action Army. 143 Sectional Density 0. 44. Reloading & Range Reports. In 1873, the U. 45 Colt has a giant cartridge case. Hornady XTP Bullets 45 Cal (451 Diameter) 200 Grain Jacketed Hollow Hornady's 225gr FTX bullet is also designed for use in the 45 Colt and will probably better match the velocities produced by the 225gr factory ammo. 45 Colt brass. VVN320, Bullseye and Red Dot worked better than Unique in my tests. By Roanoke Rifleman I'd suggest Clays and a poly-coated 250 grain slug in . 45 Colt round. Lyman #11. I have 4 different manuals to choose from but wanted some expertise from the group. Save Share Red Dot you already have. 5. Subscribe Now. I have used clays, red dot and 231, they all work, I just did a test run on shooters world Ultimate Pistol with 200 grain bullets, metered the best of anything I have used, very low recoil and soft audio report, dirty but a non gummy soot that dident gum up my guns and cleaned well so I am going I used to shoot one 45 caliber load for rifle and pistol for many years. Warning! Notes: The . 4. HS-6 is an excellent choice for 45 Colt. 26", twist 1-16"; primer: FED 150; always begin loading at the minimum "start load"; increase in 2% increments towards the maximum load; watch for signs of excessive pressure; never exceed the maximum load Be Alert: Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data. The lightest bullet I use with . 175 COAL Tested 1. Hornady has load data for . Bullseye, 700x, Red Dot, Clays would work better with a lighter lead bullet at cowboy velocities. as Unique, are somewhat position sensitive due to the huge 45 Colt case. In fact, over-charging is nearly impossible with Trail Boss. 45 case with the same bullet Briefly, the Cor-Bon ". I have fired . 2800" BULLET WEIGHT: 200 GR. That's about the slowest powder listed for 45 colt at standard pressures. Best regards, MOST powders loaded to the lower end in 45 colt tend to be kind of dirty. 45 Colt bullet is a 250-gr. 45 Colt Load Data (20,000 psi) reloading data with 16 loads. 5 grains of Blue Dot · 255 grain cast bullet & 12. Caliber:. 45 Colt load for Cowboy Action Shooting. Using bullets from Hornady HP-XTP. All loads contained herein are for guns intended for smokeless Hornady has a 200gr XTP/HP bullet w/cannelure you can use in your 45 Colt. 5g of Unique under 250g RNFP or 255g SWC. com/reloadingdata/45-colt/ . So, my casings would be . Smoken D. Starline brass = 955 F. Unique is an old favorite for this bullet and caliber, so that is what I worked up my loads with. 45 Colt FTX bullet is designed to expand at revolver velocities, delivering maximum stopping and killing power for game-getting performance. 2. Can you guys see A good roll crimp that bites into a cannelure or rolls into a crimp groove is best . Hornady Handbook of Cartridge Reloading 8th edition on up , has special section on Cowboy Loads for every popular caliber used in Best . 45 Colt Manual" doesn't even show any Ruger loads with H110/W296!! (Guess they don't read John Linebaugh! :shock: :lol Faster than 8. Be 45 Colt 1028 1012 972 945 942 941 927 904 879 852 MAXIMUM CHARGE Muzzle Velocity (feet/sec) The Cast Performance 335 grain WLNGC is one of my favorite bullets to use. In M. Be Alert: Publisher cannot My "go to" for 45 Colt is Red Dot as I have had the best results with it - with a 454-190 255 gr. This is more than 100 fps faster than the long standard . All are very close together strength-wise and should be confined to standard loads. 45 LSWC Weight (grains) 250 Ballistic Coefficient 0. L: Starting Load Back to 45 Colt Load Data Index CONNECT WITH THE 1895GUNNER. Brian Peace in his reloading articles (HandLoader magazine) on the . My favorite bullet is Lee’s 200-grain radiused flat-nosed bullet. 45 Long Colt. Aug 30, 2023 i have yet to reload my prepped 45 Colt LC or . Powders include Hodgdon, Ramshot, Accurate, IMR, Alliant, Vihtavuori, Winchester . To help get you started with load data we have collected information from what we consider to be a reliable source for easy reference. 5-5. 0gr Unique is a mild starting load which is close to the original smokeless powder loads, 9. Then they moved the targets in closer and I felt that I was losing a second or so per stage to guys shooting 38 pistols that I used to be pretty even with. 0 grains with 250-260 grain bullet in . I also switched to Trail Boss for my medium . 45 Colt case for "full charge" load. My favorite . 223 Rifles; . Army in 1873. will pretty much duplicate the original load and gives around 850 fps in my 4 3/4" 45 Colt. This is what I load for big bear in the 45 Colt when I fish in Alaska. (b) Bullet Weight: Traditional bullet weight in. It is for my Colt SAA 3rd gen. and . The best way to check this is to pull a loaded bullet and I searched and did not, but am looking for some load data for 45 Colt as I have not reloaded for it before. My approximately 10 years of experience reloading the . 45 Colt up or down depending on what’s required. bullets. Posted March 26, 2018. One is a custom Colt Double Eagle, the I have a few sources for load data (Lyman, Hornady, Hodgedon) 45 colt is new to me, Picking up a Cimeron 7. A heavy crimp is suggested for best accuracy and uniform powder I have shot a lot of these in a 71/2″ Colt New Frontier . Home About Partners Contact. 451″ (jacketed) or . Get 12 Issues a year of the country's best firearms writing. Currently we are set up for . 45 S&W rim is so much larger than . With handloads, the . Remarks: One of the best heavy bullet loads from Group II guns 250: Hornady JHP: Alliant: Unique: Subscribe: 751: . In the standard 45 Colt case, I would take Outpost's counsel to heart. 45 Colt go together like bread and butter. (Cowboy Action) 45 Colt (Cowboy Action) 45 S&W Schofield (Cowboy Action) I load with a standard large pistol primer, either CCI 300 or Winchester. COM COMMUNITY Reloading. For example, the most recent Speer Reloading Manual Number 15 states, “Prior to 1945, most . 0-6. If you want a top end, normal pressure load, this may work (and probably even better if you want slightly +P). 32 S&W Long (Cowboy Action) 32-20 Win. The powder has it's place in older revolvers, but tends to spike the pressure curve. 4 grains Unique Lyman 452460 , 200 gr. For modern Marlin, Winchester and Browning leverguns and Ruger and Freedom Arms revolvers only! (Rifle Issue #199 - January, 2002) Be Alert: Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data. 44 Colt had submitted for the trials. 45 Colt offers a versatility many cartridges lack. 0 grains is a max loading in standard pressure 45 Colt with a 230 RN, and should give about a 60% fill to the bottom of the bullet, so double charges should not be a problem. For many people the thrill of CAS is the sheer fun of dressing up in costume to fire the matches, and the camaraderie of their fellow CASers. Use starting load data in the Hornady (mine's #8) 45 Colt - (revolver The best . Another is just 8. 0gr 16,593psi 986fps 100% At the Reloading Bench. It might lead a little with the The . 45 Colt became popular in rifles, especially lever-action rifles. 45 Colt ammunition for your lever-action rifle can be a rewarding experience, offering cost savings and the ability to fine-tune your loads for optimal performance. 285"; trim length: 1. Trail Boss is an excellent, and very safe choice for moderate or reduced power loads in the 45 Colt. I will be reloading 45 Colt for the first time. 600" Speer Part No. SWC - 9. Forgot Your Password? The Ultimate Reloading Manual. 45 Colt Model 92. 6. My 45 Colt loads; Lee 452-200-RF [205 gr] cast of softer alloy seated 45 JSP Weight (grains) 300 Ballistic Coefficient 0. This The . 450″ for jacketed to . 45 Colt case, and it has a high content of nitroglycerin in the powder, resulting in lots of soot. I love the historically ignorant comments about there being no 45 Long Colt. 0 grains with 260-270-grain bullet in . XTPs on hand should I need them. Recipe Type: I have personally measured them from . Hornady FTX Bullets 45 Colt (Long Colt) (452 Diameter . 45 SUPER® LOAD DATA brands of primers have been used in developing the . However, I am confused about the different power levels for the 45 Colt and I hear a lot of talk Hullo The Campfire. By Cartridge . ): 1. First chronograph screen was 10 feet from the muzzle. 0 IMR SR 4756 Winchester CCI 300 10. 45 Colt over 8. Using bullets from Hornady FTX. I would go with the sihouette, lots of good load data for 45 colt . 45 Colt Revolver (Using 200 GR Hornady Bullets) reloading data with 57 loads. That's a tiny bit of powder in a very large case. Is IMR 800-X a versatile powder? Yes, IMR 800-X is known for its versatility and can be used in a wide range of pistol calibers, including the . Powders include Hodgdon, Ramshot, Accurate, IMR, Alliant, Vihtavuori I see the load data in the manuals I have for Titegroup powder and at various smaller weighted bullets(200gr lead) it says 6. 45 Colt, which seems to give the best accuracy/speed results for the smash loads. There is no reason to go lighter and a lot of Colt fans would go heavier. We do plan to cast but that will have to wait until we buy all the reloading stuff we need. 45 Colt loads with a 165-grain bullet at 650 fps. Posts: 316 Likes: 531. 45 necked down to . Filter By Filter By Powder. 45 Colt T/C & Ruger (Using Hornady Bullets) reloading data with 78 loads. Just the same, this is an elegant old cartridge with many good characteristics, but it’s seldom as accurate as the . Be Alert: Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in 45 GDHP SB 45 GDHP Weight (grains) 230 Ballistic Coefficient 0. P. 3 1/2” drop from 50 to 100 yards. Lee #14. For 45 Colt Cowboy loads in a revolver and especially a Walker Conversion converted to fire 45 Colt ammo I'm assuming Hodgdon makes the perfect powder Trail Boss ! Hogdon has a good load data center . The day of the See more Bullet sizes vary from . View Profile View Forum Posts Boolit Master Join Date Sep 2016 Location Idaho/Washington border Posts 2,688. 0 lbs Barrel Length: 20 inches Sights: Buckhorn rear Length of pull: 12. Save Share Reply Quote Like. I load 22 grains WW296/H110 for about 1200 fps. 480 Ruger. 45 Pistols; Cheap Handguns for Sale; Best AR-15s Under $1,000; Best AK-47; Best . 357 Magnum Revolvers; Best . He felt that Winchester was the second best brand, and that Remington brass was inferior to both. 45 Colt +P Handloads reloading data with 29 loads. 75 inches Magazine capacity: 10 rounds Finish: Blued steel Stocks: Dark Walnut MSRP: $1070 (about $925 retail) Ratings (out of five stars): PDF-1. has no control over the actual components selected, the manner in which they are assembled or the Titegroup gets to REALLY smoking up the . Using bullets from Hornady XTP, Speer JHP, RCBS SWC, RBCS SWC, SSK Truncated cast, Redding 45424 Keith, Speer PSP, Lyman 452651, Lyman 452651 GC. 45 Colt in different variations with different powder variants for loading and Today’s reloader has a nearly endless supply of jacketed and factory cast bullets available for reloading the . Jump to Latest 25K views If you are shooting a "Colt . At one time I only used Winchester brass, but their quality became quite spotty, so Starline is now my brass of choice. 45 Colt is the largest Cowboy Action caliber. 357 Mag) Action: Short Throw Lever Action Weight: 6. 45 Colt cartridge and never feel cheated. 45 Colt is 250-255 grains. 45 acp All bullets were from Lachmiller 454-255 LC mould similar to the original . 45 Colt. Using bullets from Markell SWC, Speer SWC, Shur-X SWC, Super Vel JHP, Speer JHP, Speer Mag HP, Hornady JHP, Cast Performance roundnose, Cast, Ohaus 45255K. 00. 10 per bullet Price: $52. No, . As with any straight-wall cartridge for a revolver, you’ll need a good roll crimp on your finished cartridge to keep the bullet in place and prevent it from extending out of the case reload” I found the . 5grains or a #5 Lee Dipper. Colt was sent back to the drawing board with a request for a sixgun with a top strap as well as a larger caliber. We have two Ruger New Vaquero Bisley's, one large frame Vaquero in . Both the Hornady and Speer reloading manuals have a section for 45 Colt Rifles. But I like 250gr RNFP for shooting and the Lee reloading manual says 5. First, the . Liked 475 Times in 133 Posts Become a Load Data member. Reply reply Saved_by_a_PTbelt • I've recently started loading . ; The former is a tapered cartridge, meaning it’s almost a . When you start reducing charges to below 7. Just got myself a Bond Arms Snake Slayer 4" barrel in 45 Long Colt/410 gauge. 45 ACP. All of the loads tested are within book For best mobile experience please turn phone sideways Getting Started Reference Data. Shellholders: Lee #11. 452 Diameter. 44 Magnum cartridges (in both 📝 Reloading Data for caliber . Velocity (V0) Start Now. The reloading manual I'm using shows 8. Try one with a taper crimp die and see how hard it is to pull apart with a puller. 45 Colt - Load Data - 1895Gunner. Be 45 Colt (Ruger and Contender Only) 1193 1156 1048 1041 1029 MAXIMUM CHARGE Muzzle Velocity (feet/sec) What’s the best cowboy action powder for reloading? The experts at Powder Valley discuss a few of the best CAS reloading powders from IMR, VihtaVuori, and more. 211 COAL Tested 1. but I also use best quality reloading equipment which makes my reloads survive a very long time. a barrel groove diameter of . The . I am currently using 9. Powders include Hodgdon, Accurate, Alliant, Winchester, Vihtavuori . 45 Colt bullet type (flatpoint roundnose). Maximum powder charge should be reduced by 10% to establish a minimum or starting powder charge. 45 Colt Rifle (Using Hornady Bullets) reloading data with 102 loads. 200 gr RNFP, with the load at just below the handbook minimum. As the loads listed give plenty of power in both Uberti's I find no need to shoot tier II level 45 Colt loads or even +P level 45 ACP loads of 23,000 psi +/-. 0g HS-6 as a Tier 1 load for 255g SWC. Best Gun Reviews. 14. Reactions: seattlecarguy. . 5" Bisley today. The use of a magnum primer is I taper crimp Berry's and Ranier plated bullets in 38spcl, 357 mag, 45acp, and 45 colt (standard pressure, NOT Ruger only) The bullet makers say to keep velocities below 1200 fps with plated bullets and a taper crimp will hold just fine in 45 colt. 45 Long Colt lever action rifle is subjective and depends on personal preferences. Sure, some cartridges may be better for certain jobs but we have the ability to load the grand old . 45 Colt cartridges, as it is primarily designed for lower-pressure pistol calibers. 3. 28 Nosler. 0 grs or so in the 45 Colt, thereby lowering chamber pressures, you get really sooty brass. You’ll need a good set of reloading dies, with the best roll crimp you can get. 550". I keep 300gr. 45 Colt is the 250g RNFP. 2 grs. (Cowboy Action) 357 Magnum (Cowboy Action) 38 Special (Cowboy Action) 38-40 Win. Member Join Date: Jul 2011. HayesGreener Ronin. 2 gr. 45 Colt you will find 12. I have also used Unique, Bullseye, Green Dot. 45" or a clone thereof, new model BH or even the "new" Vaquero I would start reloads on the low side and work up 1 tenth[ 1/10th]of a grain at a time. So much load data, primers, brass, powder, and bullets, and so little time . Unique actually -IS- the go to powder for 45 Colt, just not heavy boolits and 30,000psi loads. (Cowboy Action) 44 Russian (Cowboy Action) 44 S&W Special (Cowboy Action) 44-40 Win. 45 COLT Case: Starline Twist: 1:16. Thanks Mate Kind Regards Capt Starlight Yeah, 231 is not the best for C45S. JHP, Hornady’s standard . 0 grains with 230-240-grain bullet in the . 45 Colt load that will shoot through a deer if I shoot accurately. 140 COAL Tested 1. Details. Originally Posted by farmbif. 000" Primer: Winchester Large Pistol Barrel Length: 7. 45 Super. 5 grains Unique, WW Large Pistol Primers. requiring that cases are crimped directly into the bullet. 45 Colt (Vihtavuori Reloading Guide 6) Warning! Notes: test barrel: 6", 1 in 16" twist; primers: Large Pistol; cases: Remington, trim-to length: 1. 45 Schofield case. Select other category options to refine your search. 15. 45 Colt cartridges due to significant differences in dimensions and pressure requirements. 45 Colt that it’ll catch in the loading port before empties can totally clear the gun. It may also prove to be the best choice for those who prefer to use a . RCBS #20. 45 Colt loads using 250 gr Noslers and H110. 45 cartridges without leaving any excess space. Powders include Vihtavuori, Accurate, Alliant, Hodgdon, IMR, Winchester Check Hodgdon’s reloading data center and you’ll probably find a few more listed there for your 255s. Reactions: Annihilator. Save Share One of my best 45 Colt loads comes right off the Titegroup container. 600"; OAL min: 1. 45 Colt 180 Grain RNFP Brinell 12 Bullet OAL . Then you have the more competition-oriented shooters who, while they enjoy the other aspects of the sport as well, want to do their best at the match. 148 0. Best powder for 45 Colt. Get The Newsletter. 45 Colt load is a 230 grain cast bullet with 7. My best all around load for a Redhawk, Blackhawk, and a Marlin lever rifle is 10. 45 G. 0 grs of Unique for right at 950 fps. 45 Colt. It is in Handloader 246 titled RCBS 45-270-SAA. The loads are very accurate Looking for a load for 45 colt in a taurus Judge. Best regards, My opinion is free, and worth Reloading . HP/XTP and Accurate Arms excellent pistol powder. Measurable crimp. 45 Colt +P continues to be a niche hunting round that is generally overlooked by . As mentioned the faster powders are better suited for use with the 200 +/- gr cast bullets in the 45 Colt. My Lyman mold casts a 255 Kieth style bullet. These loads are OK, I suppose, at shooting paper and serve a purpose. 45 calibers. Factory Ammunition & Reloading . Particularly as new to reloading, I'd avoid Bullseye as a powder for the 45 Colt. I'm going to start reloading for my 2nd gen. I did a lot of searching before I started reloading . My targeted velocity was I went to the range today to test out some Cowboy #1's over HP38 in my 1894CB LTD in 45 Colt, and I figured I would share the results to give anyone an idea of approx velocities if they are looking for it. 2 Titegroup and 250gr cast RFN. 45 Colt, 200 gr. 5grains and NO Lee Dipper size. Kind of off-topic, but last night I was reading through old shotshell load data as I begin preparations . lowers the velocity to around 800 fps. 4515″ splitting the difference. 5 grains with up to 260-grain bullet is OK in the NM Rugers, and 7 grains with 290-grain) I would go with the sihouette, lots of good load data for 45 colt, from powder puff to 30,000 psi loads 03-29-2021, 08:54 PM #3. 0 behind a cast 250 flat point Hornady's new . Reloading; Powder. 265"; OAL max: 1. 45 Colt revolvers and too many conflicting (unclear) recommendations. In ranking the various . 45 Colt Magnum +P" loads are as follows (Cor-Bon figures). 45 Colt (Alliant Data) Warning! Notes: Primer: Win WLP. S. com/account/content?type=all#reloading #rcbs #colt The . Unique, Universal and 2400 work much better. 45 Colt Target Load. 454 inch while postwar guns measure . 275"; primers: Winchester WLP; primer size: Large Pistol; Lyman shell holder: No. 0g under same (Taffin and others like this load). 45 Colt load and the flat-nosed bullet smacks with a lot of authority. Brass and bullets are most expensive. Over fifteen years with 231 in 45 colt. O. 0gr Here is what Lyman #4 has to say on 45 Colt, maximum Unique , standard pressure loads: Lee 452-200-RF , 200 gr. 45 Colt is fast approaching the age of 140 years. Looking on the Hodgdon load data site will confirm my point. However, it's crucial to approach the process with meticulous care and adherence to safety guidelines. 078 Sectional Density 0. I have yet to find a 45 Colt revolver that is not spectacularly accurate with Remington 255 grain lead round nose ammunition. Below you will find reloading data associated with the . 45 acp 100th anniversary, Government Model Wiley Clapp . What is the effective range of a . They are seldom as accurate as full power loads for several reasons. D Smith's reloading Pages we find 10. A heavy crimp is suggested for best accuracy and uniform powder Tip: You can enter any bullet weight, caliber, cartridge, or bullet name in the search bar below to search for load data. 45 ACP Competition Load Data: Time-Tested During that time, it has established an untarnished reputation as one of the best personal-defense cartridges for autoloading pistols. 357 and . Dropping back to 6. 45 GAP bullets are not appropriate for reloading . Pistol. Temperature range was 65 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Be Alert: Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in . Muzzleloader Standard Subsonic Reduced Recoil. If the ammo isn't in its original factory packaging then there's no way to know if it's blackpowder, standard pressure, cowboy, or heck even heavily-charged "Ruger level" loads. Handloader Issue #54 Be Alert: Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data. That would be reduced from the full snort Ruger loads, but would still be a powerful round. 38 special(with Tite Group) thus far, only 9mm, and 45 ACP. 45 Colt (Ramshot Data Edition 4. This design results in a cartridge which feeds through the action of a levergun much easier and smoother than a straight-wall cartridge such as the . 45 Colt can be loaded with three power levels. Thread starter youngolddude; Start date Aug 30, 2023; youngolddude Professional. 0 967 13. 338 Lapua Rifles; Best High-Capacity Shotguns; Best . 11 per bullet Price: $54. Come join the discussion about Colt pistols and rifles, optics, hunting, gunsmithing, styles, Colt Government Model . Bullet: Powder Manufacturer: Powder: Charge: Velocity (FPS) 180: Markell SWC: Winchester: W-230: 7. Cheap Handguns for Sale Under $200; Places To Buy Ammo Online; Best . Bullet: Powder Manufacturer: Powder: Charge: Velocity (FPS) 280: RCBS 45-270-SAA cast: Hodgdon: HS-6: Subscribe Reloading your own . 45 Colt Handgun Data (Lyman Reloading Handbook 49th Edition) Warning! Notes: cases: Winchester; trim-to length: 1. RNFP. 199 Sectional Density 0. 8. 45 Colt reloading data with 31 loads. My standard 45 Colt load is 6. 400 caliber, 140 grain Xtreme Penetrator Lead-Free . Content Knowledge Center Industry News Reloading Data From The Bench From The Range From The Field The Gun Room. 280"; primer: Winchester LP; bullet diam. Rifle. 6 %âãÏÓ 1 0 obj >]/Pages 3 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 2 0 obj >stream application/pdf 45-Colt-(Ruger-TC)-250gr-version-9-0 2020-10-06T10:28:02-07:00 2020-10 Some hot . 45 AR or . That said, 6. 44 Special and 45 Colt is for medium to medium-high range loads. 45 Colt with 200 grain cast bullets. 594 (except where otherwise specified in remarks); loads less than minimum charges shown are not recommended; USE MAXIMUM LOADS WITH CAUTION! Be Alert: Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in You could try Alliant BlueDot (they have load data on their website too). Members; Black Powder, SW DA Revolvers, Trap, Woodworking, Model Trains, History, Reloading. 5 grains of Bullseye is a factory equivalent load. 0-7. 45 Colt packs a punch. Get the To preface this, my sis and I just started reloading and are using the newest version of Lee's loading manual. 449″ all the way up to . 45 Colt that I need advice on at the moment. Unique and . KNOWLEDGE CENTER 1 8 9 5 G U N N E R. Be 45 Colt 1061 1036 1021 1001 998 988 980 959 959 NOTE: Firmly roll-crimp over the bullet shoulder Best Powder for 45 LC Best Powder for 45 LC. 30-06 Rifles; AR10 Vs AR15; Best . Good luck, GJ Smoken D. 45 colt (rifle) By coincidence the rifle they used was a 20" barreled Rossi model 92. 45 case shot higher scores with the 292 grain bullet than loads using the Star-line . Reloading Data For The . 5K Views . It was originally a black-powder cartridge, and due to its large caliber and heavy bullet, earned a reputation as a fight-stopper. Start Now. The more powerful loads are only suitable for strong handguns like the All loads should be reduced by 5% as a starting point for development where cartridges have greater than 40 grains in capacity and 10% for cartridges with less than 40 grain capacity following safe handloading practices as represented in . Linebaugh in which he claimed that Federal makes the best . 45 Colt sixguns now in production from the least strong to ones capable of handling the heaviest loads, I would list the following order: Colt Single-Action Army, Colt New Frontier, Ruger New Model Flat-Top and Smith & Wesson Model 625. Using bullets from Lead wadcutter, Lead FN, Lead Semi-wadcutter. 45 Colt loads that I've tried and really liked: · 255 grain cast bullet & 16. 2 grains of Bullseye under a 250 - 260 grain bullet. Shotgun. I have not tried it yet, but IMR-800X is a bulky powder with a burning rate slower than Unique, and it has a great reputation for accuracy. 454 Casull. 25" Douglas BARREL Twist 1-16" GRS. Bullet Points. 45 Colt is rapidly approaching 150 years in existence, and it remains one of our finest, most useful, versatile and handloaded sixgun cartridges. Five-shot groups fired from sandbag rest at 75-yard range. 250" Trim Length 1. Select the "Get Load Data" button to view results. C L 42% 40% 3 8% 4% 42% 40% ** = Compressed load “ Because Nosler, Inc. I also have some H110 that I use for 357 magnum, but I cant find any load data for that powderany suggestions? You're welcome. Powders include Accurate Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data. 11; firearms used: Universal Receiver & Ruger Blackhawk; barrel length: 7 1/2"; twist: 1-16"; groove dia. I know you asked specifically for 231, and the advice to refer to bottom end . shootersreference. First is a 265 grain Bonded-Core Hollow Point bullet at a muzzle velocity (MV) of 1350 fps and muzzle It’s vital to understand today’s loading manuals typically include . 45 Colt Reloading Data (Lee Precision Data) reloading data with 260 loads. 45 Colt cartridge. Gun: WIN 94 AE; barrel length: 16 1/2"; primer: CCI 300; case: WW; max length: 1. 5gr (which I recommend as max even for the medium framed NM Vaquero) 18,396psi 1026fps 9. 45LC ammo is indistinguishable between "cowboy" loads and standard pressure. ColtForum is a forum community dedicated to Colt enthusiasts. 45 acp, Wiley Clapp CCO . 3. 45 Colt and single-action revolver are a powerful and useful combination. Army adopted a new service handgun and cartridge, the legendary Colt Single Action Army pistol and the equally iconic . The Titegroup label on the bottle says 6. until I learned what load of the powder you are reloading with is most agreeable to that particular The . The best powder I ever used in the 45 LC was Unique. i like it, and most likely will stay with it . Shoots well and no pressure problems. It's very bulky and impossible to double charge in a 45 Colt. 3 836 11. Using bullets from Hornady FTX, Hornady FP Cowboy. C. 7gr of 700X with Starline case & Federal Large Pistol primers – good accuracy and clean burning. Can I use IMR 800-X for . To put it this way; it’s the Swiss Army knife of . 255 grains SWC gas checked Keith type bullet, 8. 45 Colt comes capable of more stopping power. 515" Refer to the current SPEER® Reloading Manual for handloading instructions. Recoil is lighter than the . Tier 1 is standard SAAMI pressure loads 14K psi. 5g HS-6 under 250-255g RNFP as a 'cowboy' load. 45 Colt arrived in the early 1870s mostly due to the fact the military would not accept the ’71-72 Open-Top . 45 Colt, also known as the . I read an article by Mr. I am looking for loads for Lee . Unique *Of course, what 45 Colt load data would be without this powder?* 10. 45 Colt bullets in as light as 155 grains available to the 45 Colt (SAA and replicas) - 250 grain Version 9. Discover our extensive lineup, including Partition, AccuBond, E-Tip, Ballistic Tip, Custom Competition, and more. 45 Colt in different variations with different powder variants for loading and bullet types. - 9. 452 inch. 0 Reply. ] to 550 to 650 fps as mentioned above. ----In general, there are numerous powders that work well in the . 600" Refer to the current SPEER® Reloading Manual for handloading instructions. A standard SAAMI load for . 45 Colt All of the Keith-style bullets mentioned feed and chamber even though they have shoulders in front of the case. This seems a bit "snappy" to me so I've reduced the load to 7. 45 Colt with Lee Precision Data is a very popular load. 45 Colt Revolver (using 250 GR Hornady Bullets) reloading data with 51 loads. My load is 8. I used two sources of load data: Lee's second edition and Lyman Cast Bulet Handbook 4th edition. 40 Pistols; Best . 255gr LSWC over 8. In Taffin Tests . 45 cal shells for Cowboy Action shooting. But its forte in cartridges such as the . 640" Refer to the current SPEER® Reloading Manual for handloading instructions. My handloads are my attempt to duplicate that load but so far that is the best. I am looking for the best bulky powder for use in a lot of different 45 Colts. 45ACP load data is one way to go, but it won't be the cleanest burning powder at low velocities. 45 Colt cases with a 200 grain bullet and light loads, because it does not seal the thick-walled . Then something dramatic happened in 1869: Smith & Wesson brought forth the 44 American sixgun that used fixed ammunition. 6 gr. 9. 400 caliber, 100 grain Xtreme Defense Lead-Free Bullets 45 Colt: Match Solid: 300: VIEW: 07400140SP. Be Alert: Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data. 45 Colt 180 Grain RNFP Brinell 12 Bullet AOL . No primer movement, so a stout enough recipe to keep the primers seated. #2 10-30-2014, 11:44 AM gaijin. Another excellent option is VihtaVuori N32C “Tin Star” powder My results, best to worst: 255gr LSWC (Keith style bullet) over 5. Id like something with a bit more power. 117 Sectional Density 0. There are cast . C O M. 45 Colt (Accurate Cowboy Action Data) reloading data with 12 loads. I have more than enough load data from the powder companies and endless manuals. 45 Colt was developed in 1872 for the Model 1873 Colt Single Action Army revolver (aka Peacemaker) and adopted by the U. I want a load that is easy on the gun but still has decent accuracy. The round was originally loaded with a 255-grain lead bullet over 40 . 45-70 Government. 45 Colt (Hodgdon Pistol Data) reloading data with 230 loads. The difference is in the powder charge. After over 30 years of reloading , i still use 2400 in my 44s. 45 Colt and 9mm but it's . (up to 7. 452-255-RF bullets with Vihtavuori powder. 4482 4483 Propellant Case Primer Weight (grains) Muzzle Velocity (feet/sec) Weight (grains) Alliant Blue Dot Winchester CCI 300 12. Centershot, I've chrono'd a . 452 45 Colt (Or sometimes the 45 Long Colt) cartridge has been loaded since 1873 Witli amount-g Of black and smokeless powdeJ8 and bullets of different weights and designs, Shooting jacketed Hornady pistol bullets in the 45 Colt; we were able to reaclA (and safely!) 950 fps with our 250 gr. Most are either . Hi, Steve here. 45 Colt? No, IMR 800-X is not suitable for . leslie . Reloading data will be very similar to that for Alliant Unique, and will tend to deliver slightly higher velocities at maximum charge weights, especially in longer This guide provides comprehensive 45 Colt load data, but it's crucial to remember this information is for educational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for your own research and adherence to safety guidelines. 452″ (lead) and Sierra even makes jacketed bullets for the Colt SAA that are . (the one with the goofy target grip) And a 5 3/4 Pistolero. 457″, so bullets sized appropriately will give the best results. Powders include IMR, Hodgdon, Winchester . 22-250 Remington. The data is limited to 225gr When available use the developed load data. from 1978. 200 Gr Round Nose (. For lower level, these loads are great practice, plinking, or target loads. Using bullets from Rim Rock SWC-HP w/gc, Barnes XPB Pistol, Speer Gold Dot HP, Sierra JHC, Cutting Edge Raptor HP , Hornady XTP-HP, Speer Ammunition, Gunsmithing, & Reloading. Tips & Tricks. 45 Colt (+P 23,000 psi) (Pet Loads / Handloader issue #337) reloading data with 238 loads. Wt. Best regards, My opinion is free, and worth every penny of it. 45 Auto. 5gr Unique, a 250gr rnfp coated bullet is . However, I crimp the #45-270 over the front band to ensure trouble-free feeding. 45 Colt: Warning! Notes: Please note that the powders W-230 and W-231 are NOT interchangeable. of Unique as a starting point for . Always consult your reloading manual and meticulously follow its instructions. 162 COAL Tested 1. For standard loads using jacketed bullets Sierra offers the 240-gr. Using bullets from Hornady XTP-MAG, Hornady HP-XTP, Hornady XTP-MAG or HP-XTP. When he died in 1862, the company was dedicated to producing the same percussion revolvers. In reviewing past loads shot in matches, it appears that loads using the WW . (Handloader Issue 141) Be Alert: Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data. Enjoy! Specifications: Winchester Model 1892 Short Rifle. 45 Colt and 35 years of experience reloading the . I used to shoot it a lot in . Using bullets from Hornady SWC or L-C/T. Hunter | Adventurer | Most cowboy action SASS competitors who use the 45 Colt cartridge use a 160 to 200 gr bullet loaded down with fast burning powders [Bullseye, N32C, N310, N320, WST, Red Dot, etc. One issue is cold weather. I am an experienced handloader and I normally develop my own loads for both rifle and handguns, using Quickload, publiced data and common sense. Unique Powder In . 452) 200 Gr Semi Wad Cutter (. Henry and Marlin lever rifles can safely handle Ruger/TC loads. 44 Special. Idaho45guy. None of these loads will work through the action of my Rossi . Contrary, a 357 Mag lever action can take full 45 LSWC Weight (grains) 200 Ballistic Coefficient 0. Cowboy #8 - Black Powder. Power Levels. 375 Renner. Experience superior quality and performance with Nosler products. 45 Colt load with Titegroup. Safety. 0 7. And as proven long ago by Bullseye shooters, it is capable of a level of accuracy exceeded by no other handgun cartridge. 9mm Luger. Using bullets from Lead, Jacketed , XTP, Jacketed, Copper Plated. 45 Colt loads at two different power levels: under 14,000 CUP and under 29,000 PSI. 45 Colt devotees who stick with standard-pressure loads for range use or single-action shooting competitions. 1. Industry maximum average pressure limits are currently established at 14,000 psi and none of the accompanying data exceeds that limit. , from my Ruger Blackhawk, 4 5/8" barrel. 0 grs. 45 Colt data book, it's a compilation of several different manuals, all for . 45 Colt - Published Manufacturer Loading Data . M AX IU S O . A. Recently I had to develop a . In addition, its jacketed FTX bullet eliminates barrel leading issues. Printed from Shooter's Reference on 01/21/2025: https://www. 45 Situation: Three different strength level . Cougar GT Notes: The . If you can find loading data for the powder you've mentioned, then start low and see how it works. 45 Colts. 45 Colt The . 45 Colt Rifle (FTX Data) reloading data with 51 loads. I was wondering if someone could please help as to what loads they use in the . 45 Colt revolver for personal protection. Will work just fine under your light 230g bullet I am sure. Explore the world of Nosler, renowned for crafting the finest bullets, ammunition, rifles, and brass. Bbl length: 7. 5 is max according to Alliant. Hi folks. 45 Colt came up with the three tiers of loading for the . 0 to 6. As has been mentioned, 231 isn't the best powder for the . Powder charge weights listed are maximum. 0 gr. 223 Rifles; Best . Granted, the typical load data places it just over 800 feet-per-second, but there are +P loads available that can push a 250-grain bullet at 1,400 feet-per-second. Remember to always consult reputable loading manuals and 1996 Colt Special Combat 45 ACP(Carry version-Blued w/Nite sites-wife's), 1998 SA Comped Longslide 45 Super/45-08 Armco, 1997 SA V-10-wife's 04/98-Lee P1K, 10/15-XL-650 . Using bullets from Cast LRNFP, Hornady XTP, Hornady FTX, Speer JHP, Sierra JFP. A 200-grain bullet at 800 fps is a good all-around CAS load. 504 +/-For Cowboy Action Velocities Price per box of 500 @ $. : . 454″ for some lead in diameter. 45 Long Colt, is a centerfire revolver cartridge that was developed in the late 19th century for use in the Colt Single Action Army revolver. . llxy ieza msm stvthh zzdu deolue cxel czqo qrvai yqhkk