Universal Supports

Note: All CPG products can be customized into various specifications of Frits column products (Such as: 200 nmol, 500 nmol and 1 umol);

Note: We also can provide CPG 500A, CPG 1000A and CPG 2000A of all CPG product.

Universal Supports

Item Cat.No.
Universal CPG 1000 99-0101-XX
Universal frits column-200nmol 99-0191-XX
Universal frits column-100nmol 99-0192-XX
Universal frits column-50nmol 99-0193-XX
Universal frits column-25nmol 99-0194-XX



Phone No

+86 512 67298826

Our Location

Unit 101, Building 12, Area C, Phase 5, Biomedical Industrial Park, No. 21 Chaoqian Road, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China